7. Internal Organizational Structure

7.1. The Board of Directors and its committees

The Board of Directors consists of the Chairman, the Vice-Chairman, and the other members. No member of the Board of Directors held a senior management position at Clariant Ltd or any current or former Clariant Group company in the last five years or has any significant business relationship with Clariant Ltd or any other Clariant Group company.

The members of the Board of Directors constitute the following committees:

  • Nomination Committee
  • Compensation Committee 1
  • Audit Committee
  • Innovation and Sustainability Committee

The Board of Directors appoints the members of the committees, except for the members of the Compensation Committee, who are elected by the Annual General Meeting. The Board of Directors meets at least once a quarter. At the invitation of the Chairman, the CEO, the CFO, and other members of the Executive Steering CommitteeExecutive Steering CommitteeThe Executive Steering Committee (ESC) is authorized by the Board of Directors to steer the company. It has overall strategic and financial responsibility, including for our profit and loss statement. The ESC consists of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), and the three Business Presidents.View entire glossary and/or other employees and third parties attend the meetings of the Board of Directors for the purpose of reporting or imparting information. Each committee has a written charter outlining its duties and responsibilities. The committees’ charters are published on Clariant’s website (www.clariant.com/committees). The committees report on their activities and results to the Board of Directors. They prepare the business of the Board of Directors in their respective areas.

1 As elected by the Annual General Meeting  


The Nomination Committee (NC) comprises the Chairman, the Vice-Chairman, and other members of the Board of Directors, as elected by the Board of Directors. The NC meets as needed. The NC draws up principles for the selection of candidates for election and reelection to the Board of Directors, as well as for the position of CEO and for the other members of the Executive Steering CommitteeExecutive Steering CommitteeThe Executive Steering Committee (ESC) is authorized by the Board of Directors to steer the company. It has overall strategic and financial responsibility, including for our profit and loss statement. The ESC consists of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), and the three Business Presidents.View entire glossary , and prepares the corresponding recommendations. The NC considers and submits to the Board of Directors the CEO’s proposals concerning candidates for Executive Steering CommitteeExecutive Steering CommitteeThe Executive Steering Committee (ESC) is authorized by the Board of Directors to steer the company. It has overall strategic and financial responsibility, including for our profit and loss statement. The ESC consists of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), and the three Business Presidents.View entire glossary positions. The composition of the Board of Directors as well as of the Executive Steering CommitteeExecutive Steering CommitteeThe Executive Steering Committee (ESC) is authorized by the Board of Directors to steer the company. It has overall strategic and financial responsibility, including for our profit and loss statement. The ESC consists of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), and the three Business Presidents.View entire glossary already fulfills the gender requirements of article 734f of the revised Swiss Code of Obligations (effective 1 January 2023). The NC also reviews, at least annually, the independence of all members of the Board of Directors as well as the membership and structure of its committees and presents its assessment to the Board of Directors for final determination. More information can be found at:


The Compensation Committee (CoC) comprises at least three members of the Board of Directors as elected by the Annual General Meeting. The majority of the members shall be non-executive members of the Board of Directors. The CoC meets at least twice a year. The CoC reviews and proposes to the Board of Directors the compensation and benefits policies and programs, reviews the performance criteria relevant to compensation, and determines individual exec­utive compensation and benefits of the members of the Board of Directors and the Executive Steering CommitteeExecutive Steering CommitteeThe Executive Steering Committee (ESC) is authorized by the Board of Directors to steer the company. It has overall strategic and financial responsibility, including for our profit and loss statement. The ESC consists of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), and the three Business Presidents.View entire glossary , subject to the approvals of the total compensations by the Annual General Meeting. The CoC also adjusts the development of the compensation structures to changing conditions, as necessary. In this context, the long-term incentive program for the Executive Steering CommitteeExecutive Steering CommitteeThe Executive Steering Committee (ESC) is authorized by the Board of Directors to steer the company. It has overall strategic and financial responsibility, including for our profit and loss statement. The ESC consists of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), and the three Business Presidents.View entire glossary and the senior management team is also aligned with current market and business developments, and corresponding adjustments are made, if required. Furthermore, the CoC reviews fringe benefit regulations and dismissal regulations with the CEO, the CFO and the other members of the Executive Steering CommitteeExecutive Steering CommitteeThe Executive Steering Committee (ESC) is authorized by the Board of Directors to steer the company. It has overall strategic and financial responsibility, including for our profit and loss statement. The ESC consists of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), and the three Business Presidents.View entire glossary and takes note of the planned direct and indirect compensation packages of the Heads of Global Functions reporting to the CEO, always in accordance with the Articles of Association and the Ordinance against Excessive Compensation in Listed Stock Corporations. More information can be found in the Compensation Report 2022, section 1, and at www.clariant.com/committees.

The Audit Committee (AC) comprises two to four members of the Board of Directors, all of whom must be independent and non-­executive members of the Board of Directors. A majority of the members of the AC , including the chair, should have financial and accounting experience. The AC meets at least four times a year. The CFO and representatives of the external auditor are invited to Audit Committee meetings. The Audit Committee reviews the financial reporting processes on behalf of the Board of Directors. For each quarterly and annual reporting of financial information, an internal team reviews the information for accuracy and completeness of disclosures, reporting to the Audit Committee before publication. The AC reviews and recommends the Group’s financial statements for the first three quarters of each year and the annual financial results to the Board of Directors for approval. The AC will also be responsible for the review of the report on non-financial matters pursuant to article 964c of the revised Swiss Code of Obligations (effective 1 January 2023). Further, the AC reviews the activities of the external auditors, their col­laboration with the internal auditors, and their organizational adequacy. It also reviews the performance, compensation, and independence of the external auditors as well as the performance of the internal auditors and reports back to the Board of Directors. Furthermore, the AC reviews the company’s internal control and risk management systems and reviews compliance with the law and internal regulations – in particular with the Code of EthicsCode of EthicsThe Code of Ethics is laying down Clariant’s commitments and is intended to be a guide with ethical principles and examples to enable all personnel and associated parties to act with the highest standards of integrity.View entire glossary . In colla­boration with the Group’s external and internal auditors and financial and accounting management, the AC reviews the appropriateness, effectiveness, and the compliance of accounting policies and financial controls with applicable accounting standards. Furthermore, the heads of Internal Audit and Risk Management, the Group ComplianceComplianceCompliance is a key element of Corporate Governance. It refers to compliance with the law and directives as well as with company codes and ethical business practices and behaviors.View entire glossary Officer, and Clariant’s General Counsel report on a regular basis to the Audit Committee. More information can be found at:


The Innovation and Sustainability Committee (ISC) comprises two to four members of the Board of Directors, ideally with pro­fessional experience in the domains of technology and innovation management, research and development, and sustainability, including climate risk management.

The ISC acts as an advisory body to the Board of Directors and the Chief Executive Officer (CEO). It supports the Board of Directors and the CEO in matters of innovation and sustainability strategy, climate risk management, growth fields, innovation processes, innovation pipeline, enabling technology platforms, relevant intellectual property, and capability-related decisions. The ISC meets as often as necessary for the company’s business or at the request of any of its members, but in any case at least four times per year. The Chair of the ISC reports regularly to the Board of Directors on the activities and findings of the ISC and provides updates on Clariant’s Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions as well as measures implemented to further reduce Clariant’s emissions.

7.2. Definition of working methods and areas of responsibility

In accordance with the law and the Articles of Association, the Board of Directors is the ultimate decision-making authority for Clariant Ltd in all matters except those decisions reserved by law or the Articles of Association for the shareholders. In accordance with and supplementary to Article 716a of the Swiss Code of Obligations and Article 22 of the Articles of Association (www.clariant.com/en/Company/Corporate-Governance/Articles-of-Association), the Board of Directors has sole authority, particularly for the following nontransferable and inalienable duties of the Board of Directors:

  • Providing the strategic direction of the Group;
  • Approving the basic outline of the Group’s organization and its corporate governance;
  • Supervising the overall business operations;
  • Evaluating the performance of the CEO and members of the Executive CommitteeExecutive CommitteeUntil 30 June 2022, the Executive Committee was mainly responsible for implementing and monitoring the Group strategy, for the financial and operational management of the Group, and for the efficiency of the Group’s structure and organization. Effective 1 July 2022, the Executive Committee was replaced by the Executive Steering Committee (ESC).View entire glossary ;
  • Appointing and dismissing the CEO and members of the Executive CommitteeExecutive CommitteeUntil 30 June 2022, the Executive Committee was mainly responsible for implementing and monitoring the Group strategy, for the financial and operational management of the Group, and for the efficiency of the Group’s structure and organization. Effective 1 July 2022, the Executive Committee was replaced by the Executive Steering Committee (ESC).View entire glossary , the head of Corporate Auditing, and other key executives;
  • Approving the basic accounting system and financial planning and control of the Group;
  • Approving the Group’s annual budget;
  • Reviewing and approving the quarterly financial statements and results release for Clariant Ltd and the Group;
  • Approving the Group’s consolidated financial statements at the end of the financial year for submission to the Annual General Meeting;
  • Approving and reviewing ESG-related reporting;
  • Approving major M&A transactions and financial transactions of considerable scope or those involving special risks, particularly capital market transactions and other financing transactions (e.g., large loans) as well as changes in con­ditions associated therewith;
  • Ensuring a management and corporate culture that is appropriate for the company’s objectives;
  • Ensuring an internal control system and adequate risk and compliance management, particularly with regard to financial, corporate governance and citizenship, personnel, and environmental protection matters;
  • Ensuring succession planning and management development;
  • Convening the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and deter­mining the items on the agenda and the proposals to be made to the AGM.

7.3. Working methods

In 2022, the Board of Directors held five meetings in person (three in Switzerland, one in Germany, and one in Saudi Arabia) and seven meetings by video conference/phone. All twelve Board meetings held in 2022 were attended by all members of the Board (resulting in an attendance rate of 100.0 %). The company’s strategy is reviewed and further developed once a year. Members of the Executive CommitteeExecutive CommitteeUntil 30 June 2022, the Executive Committee was mainly responsible for implementing and monitoring the Group strategy, for the financial and operational management of the Group, and for the efficiency of the Group’s structure and organization. Effective 1 July 2022, the Executive Committee was replaced by the Executive Steering Committee (ESC).View entire glossary (as of 1 July 2022: the Executive Steering CommitteeExecutive Steering CommitteeThe Executive Steering Committee (ESC) is authorized by the Board of Directors to steer the company. It has overall strategic and financial responsibility, including for our profit and loss statement. The ESC consists of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), and the three Business Presidents.View entire glossary ) and the General Counsel are invited to attend the meetings of the Board of Directors. As of 1 July 2022, members of the Executive Leadership TeamExecutive Leadership TeamThe Executive Leadership Team (ELT) consists of the Executive Steering Committee (ESC) along with the Chief Human Resources Officer, the Chief Technology & Sustainability Officer, the Chief Corporate Development Officer, and the General Counsel. By bringing all key functions together, Clariant ensures fast decision-making while incorporating all internal stakeholders’ needs. The ELT supports the ESC by promoting dialogue among its members, exchange of information and enabling awareness of the Group’s environment.View entire glossary are also invited to these meetings depending on the agenda topics. The views of external and internal consultants are heard, if necessary, in the case of projects of considerable scope.

Further, in each Board meeting, the Board of Directors receives updates regarding the economy, the environment, and people so that it can review the effectiveness of Clariant’s processes and identify and manage its impact in these three areas. The Board also receives monthly reports regarding Clariant’s performance, key projects, and DART (Days Away, Restricted, or Transferred) rate. The Board of Directors also directly engages with stakeholders by providing feedback during Board meetings and follows up with stakeholders if questions arose during the Board meeting.

Number of meetings in 2022   12     1
Günter von Au   12   100.0 %
Abdullah Mohammed Alissa until 24 June 2022   7   100.0 %
Ahmed M. Al Umar since 24 June 2022   5   100.0 %
Nader Alwehibi until 24 June 2022   7   100.0 %
Roberto Gualdoni since 24 June 2022   5   100.0 %
Calum MacLean until 24 June 2022   7   100.0 %
Thilo Mannhardt   12   100.0 %
Geoffery Merszei   12   100.0 %
Eveline Saupper   12   100.0 %
Naveena Shastri since 24 June 2022   5   100.0 %
Peter Steiner   12   100.0 %
Claudia Suessmuth Dyckerhoff   12   100.0 %
Susanne Wamsler   12   100.0 %
Konstantin Winterstein   12   100.0 %
1 Individual attendance rate during term

7.4. Management of the Group

7.4.1. Management of the Group until 30 June 2022

The Board of Directors has delegated the executive management of the Clariant Group to the CEO and the other members of the Executive CommitteeExecutive CommitteeUntil 30 June 2022, the Executive Committee was mainly responsible for implementing and monitoring the Group strategy, for the financial and operational management of the Group, and for the efficiency of the Group’s structure and organization. Effective 1 July 2022, the Executive Committee was replaced by the Executive Steering Committee (ESC).View entire glossary . The Executive CommitteeExecutive CommitteeUntil 30 June 2022, the Executive Committee was mainly responsible for implementing and monitoring the Group strategy, for the financial and operational management of the Group, and for the efficiency of the Group’s structure and organization. Effective 1 July 2022, the Executive Committee was replaced by the Executive Steering Committee (ESC).View entire glossary is mainly responsible for implementing and monitoring the Group strategy, for the financial and operational management of the Group, and for the efficiency of the Group’s structure and organization. The members of the Executive CommitteeExecutive CommitteeUntil 30 June 2022, the Executive Committee was mainly responsible for implementing and monitoring the Group strategy, for the financial and operational management of the Group, and for the efficiency of the Group’s structure and organization. Effective 1 July 2022, the Executive Committee was replaced by the Executive Steering Committee (ESC).View entire glossary are appointed by the Board of Directors on the recommendation of the Nomination Committee. Subject to the responsibility of the Board of Directors and the Annual General Meeting, the CEO and, under his supervision, the Executive CommitteeExecutive CommitteeUntil 30 June 2022, the Executive Committee was mainly responsible for implementing and monitoring the Group strategy, for the financial and operational management of the Group, and for the efficiency of the Group’s structure and organization. Effective 1 July 2022, the Executive Committee was replaced by the Executive Steering Committee (ESC).View entire glossary are responsible for:

  • Drawing up strategic plans and policies for approval by the Board of Directors;
  • Implementing Group strategies and policies as well as strategies and action programs for individual business units and subsidiaries;
  • Managing the business units and functions to ensure efficient operations, including regularly assessing the achievement of goals;
  • Regularly informing the Board of Directors and its committees of all matters of fundamental significance to the Group and its businesses;
  • Ensuring compliance with legal requirements and internal regulations;
  • Establishing a management and corporate culture in line with the company’s objectives;
  • Promoting an active internal and external communications policy;
  • Appointing and dismissing senior management, including appropriate succession planning.

The Executive CommitteeExecutive CommitteeUntil 30 June 2022, the Executive Committee was mainly responsible for implementing and monitoring the Group strategy, for the financial and operational management of the Group, and for the efficiency of the Group’s structure and organization. Effective 1 July 2022, the Executive Committee was replaced by the Executive Steering Committee (ESC).View entire glossary was supported by the Corporate Center, which defines Group-wide policies and guidelines. While reporting in the three Business Areas Care Chemicals (Business Unit Industrial & Consumer Specialties), Catalysis (Business Unit Catalysts and Business Line Biofuels & Derivatives), and Natural Resources (Business Units Oil and Mining Services, Functional Minerals, and Additives), including the Business Unit PigmentsPigmentsPigments are substances used for coloring; they are used in a technical manner, for example in the manufacture of dyes, varnishes, and plastics. In 2020, Clariant launched the divestment process of its Pigments business, which was completed on 3 January 2022.View entire glossary as a discontinued operation, the six business units (five business units since the closing of the divestment of the Business Unit PigmentsPigmentsPigments are substances used for coloring; they are used in a technical manner, for example in the manufacture of dyes, varnishes, and plastics. In 2020, Clariant launched the divestment process of its Pigments business, which was completed on 3 January 2022.View entire glossary on 3 January 2022) were the highest-level operating units within the Group. They had global responsibility for the activities assigned to them, particularly sales, marketing, product management, and production. The business units also had global responsibility for short- and long-term revenue and earnings generated from the operations and assets assigned to them. This included fully exploiting existing business potential, identifying new business opportunities, and pursuing the active management of their products and services portfolio. The business units’ activities were complemented and supported by ComplianceComplianceCompliance is a key element of Corporate Governance. It refers to compliance with the law and directives as well as with company codes and ethical business practices and behaviors.View entire glossary and global Service Units (e.g., Procurement, Finance, Information Technology, Legal, Human Resources, Communications, and Group Innovation & Sustainability).

7.4.2. Management of the Group since 1 July 2022

The Board of Directors has delegated the executive management of the Clariant Group to the CEO and the other members of the Executive Steering CommitteeExecutive Steering CommitteeThe Executive Steering Committee (ESC) is authorized by the Board of Directors to steer the company. It has overall strategic and financial responsibility, including for our profit and loss statement. The ESC consists of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), and the three Business Presidents.View entire glossary . The Executive Steering CommitteeExecutive Steering CommitteeThe Executive Steering Committee (ESC) is authorized by the Board of Directors to steer the company. It has overall strategic and financial responsibility, including for our profit and loss statement. The ESC consists of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), and the three Business Presidents.View entire glossary is mainly responsible for implementing and monitoring the Group strategy, for the financial and operational management of the Group, and for the efficiency of the Group’s structure and organization. The members of the Executive Steering CommitteeExecutive Steering CommitteeThe Executive Steering Committee (ESC) is authorized by the Board of Directors to steer the company. It has overall strategic and financial responsibility, including for our profit and loss statement. The ESC consists of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), and the three Business Presidents.View entire glossary are appointed by the Board of Directors on the recommendation of the Nomination Committee. Subject to the responsibility of the Board of Directors and the Annual General Meeting, the CEO and, under his supervision, the Executive Steering CommitteeExecutive Steering CommitteeThe Executive Steering Committee (ESC) is authorized by the Board of Directors to steer the company. It has overall strategic and financial responsibility, including for our profit and loss statement. The ESC consists of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), and the three Business Presidents.View entire glossary are responsible for:

  • Drawing up strategic plans and policies for approval by the Board of Directors;
  • Implementing Group strategies and policies as well as strategies and action programs for individual business units and subsidiaries;
  • Managing the business units and functions to ensure efficient operations, including regularly assessing the achievement of goals;
  • Regularly informing the Board of Directors and its committees of all matters of fundamental significance to the Group and its businesses;
  • Ensuring compliance with legal requirements and internal regulations;
  • Establishing a management and corporate culture in line with the company’s objectives;
  • Promoting an active internal and external communications policy;
  • Appointing and dismissing senior management, including appropriate succession planning.

The Executive Steering CommitteeExecutive Steering CommitteeThe Executive Steering Committee (ESC) is authorized by the Board of Directors to steer the company. It has overall strategic and financial responsibility, including for our profit and loss statement. The ESC consists of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), and the three Business Presidents.View entire glossary is supported by the Executive Leadership TeamExecutive Leadership TeamThe Executive Leadership Team (ELT) consists of the Executive Steering Committee (ESC) along with the Chief Human Resources Officer, the Chief Technology & Sustainability Officer, the Chief Corporate Development Officer, and the General Counsel. By bringing all key functions together, Clariant ensures fast decision-making while incorporating all internal stakeholders’ needs. The ELT supports the ESC by promoting dialogue among its members, exchange of information and enabling awareness of the Group’s environment.View entire glossary , consisting of the members of the Executive Steering CommitteeExecutive Steering CommitteeThe Executive Steering Committee (ESC) is authorized by the Board of Directors to steer the company. It has overall strategic and financial responsibility, including for our profit and loss statement. The ESC consists of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), and the three Business Presidents.View entire glossary as well as the heads of global functions appointed by the CEO as permanent members. The role of the Executive Leadership TeamExecutive Leadership TeamThe Executive Leadership Team (ELT) consists of the Executive Steering Committee (ESC) along with the Chief Human Resources Officer, the Chief Technology & Sustainability Officer, the Chief Corporate Development Officer, and the General Counsel. By bringing all key functions together, Clariant ensures fast decision-making while incorporating all internal stakeholders’ needs. The ELT supports the ESC by promoting dialogue among its members, exchange of information and enabling awareness of the Group’s environment.View entire glossary is to support the Executive Steering CommitteeExecutive Steering CommitteeThe Executive Steering Committee (ESC) is authorized by the Board of Directors to steer the company. It has overall strategic and financial responsibility, including for our profit and loss statement. The ESC consists of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), and the three Business Presidents.View entire glossary in its decision-making process by promoting dialogue among its members, enabling information to be exchanged, and creating awareness of the Group’s environment. The Executive Steering CommitteeExecutive Steering CommitteeThe Executive Steering Committee (ESC) is authorized by the Board of Directors to steer the company. It has overall strategic and financial responsibility, including for our profit and loss statement. The ESC consists of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), and the three Business Presidents.View entire glossary is also supported by the Corporate Center, which defines Group-wide policies and guidelines. While reporting in the three Business Areas Care Chemicals (Business Unit Industrial & Consumer Specialties), Catalysis (Business Unit Catalysts and Business Line Biofuels & Derivatives), and Natural Resources (Business Units Oil and Mining Services, Functional Minerals, and Additives), including the Business Unit PigmentsPigmentsPigments are substances used for coloring; they are used in a technical manner, for example in the manufacture of dyes, varnishes, and plastics. In 2020, Clariant launched the divestment process of its Pigments business, which was completed on 3 January 2022.View entire glossary as a discontinued operation, the five business units are the highest-level operating units within the Group. They have global responsibility for the activities assigned to them, particularly sales, marketing, product management, and production. The business units also have global responsibility for short- and long-term revenue and earnings generated from the operations and assets assigned to them. This includes fully exploiting existing business potential, identifying new business opportunities, and pursuing the active management of their products and services portfolio. The business units’ activities are complemented and supported by ComplianceComplianceCompliance is a key element of Corporate Governance. It refers to compliance with the law and directives as well as with company codes and ethical business practices and behaviors.View entire glossary and global Service Units (e.g., Procurement, Finance, Information Technology, Legal, Human Resources, Communications, and Group Innovation & Sustainability).

7.5. Information and control instruments vis-à-vis the Executive Steering Committee

The Board of Directors ensures that it receives sufficient infor­mation from the Executive Steering CommitteeExecutive Steering CommitteeThe Executive Steering Committee (ESC) is authorized by the Board of Directors to steer the company. It has overall strategic and financial responsibility, including for our profit and loss statement. The ESC consists of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), and the three Business Presidents.View entire glossary to perform its supervisory duties and make decisions that are reserved for the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors obtains the information required to perform its duties in various ways:

  • The CEO and the CFO inform all directors regularly about current developments, including through the regular sub­mission of written reports, such as key performance indicators for each business;
  • The minutes of the meetings of the Executive Steering CommitteeExecutive Steering CommitteeThe Executive Steering Committee (ESC) is authorized by the Board of Directors to steer the company. It has overall strategic and financial responsibility, including for our profit and loss statement. The ESC consists of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), and the three Business Presidents.View entire glossary are made available to the directors;
  • Informal meetings and teleconferences are held, as required, between the CEO and the members of the Nomination Committee;
  • The members of the Executive Steering CommitteeExecutive Steering CommitteeThe Executive Steering Committee (ESC) is authorized by the Board of Directors to steer the company. It has overall strategic and financial responsibility, including for our profit and loss statement. The ESC consists of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), and the three Business Presidents.View entire glossary are invited to attend meetings of the Board of Directors to report on the business units under their responsibility;
  • The members of the Board of Directors are entitled to request information from members of the Executive Steering CommitteeExecutive Steering CommitteeThe Executive Steering Committee (ESC) is authorized by the Board of Directors to steer the company. It has overall strategic and financial responsibility, including for our profit and loss statement. The ESC consists of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), and the three Business Presidents.View entire glossary or any other Clariant senior manager.

7.6. Board committees

The members of the Board of Directors constitute the following committees:

  • Nomination Committee
  • Compensation Committee 1
  • Audit Committee
  • Innovation and Sustainability Committee

For further information, please refer to section 7.1 of the Corporate Governance Report.

1 As elected by the Annual General Meeting  

    Number of meetings   Average duration in h   CEO/CFO invited   Other attendees
Board of Directors   12   2–7   yes   Executive Steering CommitteeExecutive Steering CommitteeThe Executive Steering Committee (ESC) is authorized by the Board of Directors to steer the company. It has overall strategic and financial responsibility, including for our profit and loss statement. The ESC consists of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), and the three Business Presidents.View entire glossary ; General Counsel; Chief Human Resources Officer / Chief Technology & Sustainability Officer / Chief Corporate Development Officer in some meetings
Nomination Committee   3   2–4   yes    
Audit Committee   9   3–4   yes   Auditors; Head Internal Audit; Head Corporate Accounting; General Counsel
Compensation Committee   6   1.5–3   yes 1   Chief Human Resources Officer
Innovation and Sustainability Committee   6   3–5   yes   Chief Technology & Sustainability Officer
1 Except when discussing the remuneration of the CEO

7.7. Internal Audit

The purpose of Internal Audit is to provide independent, objective assurance and consulting services guided by a philosophy of adding value to improve Clariant. It assists Clariant in accom­plishing its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluating and improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization’s governance, risk management, and controls. Internal Audit carries out its audits in accordance with a plan approved by the Audit Committee. Internal Audit prepares reports on the audits it has performed and reports actual or suspected deficiencies and irregularities to the Audit Committee and Management. The Audit Committee regularly reviews the scope, plans, and results of Internal Audit. The Group pursues a risk-oriented approach to auditing and coordinates internal audit activities with the external auditors. The quality of Internal Audit is regularly assessed in accordance with the requirements of The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA). More information on Clariant’s risk management system can be found in section 14 of the Corporate Governance Report.