Publication Details
Clariant International Ltd, Muttenz
Investor Relations
Andreas Schwarzwaelder
Phone +41 61 469 63 73
Group Communications
Kai Rolker
Phone +41 61 469 63 63
Editorial office, project management
Claudia Herzog-Kamensky
Luca Lavina
Financial Editor
Philipp Baberschke
Integrated reporting concept and editor
Kirchhoff Consult AG, Hamburg
Visual concept and design
Kirchhoff Consult AG, Hamburg
Technical realization
Kirchhoff Consult AG, Hamburg
MDD Management Digital Data AG, Zurich
Scanderbeg Sauer Photography, Ahmet Odabasi/, Puzurin Mihail/, Stef/
Note about forward-looking statements
This report contains forward-looking statements based on current assumptions and projections made by management. Such statements are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors which may cause the actual results and performance of Clariant International Ltd to differ from those expressed in, implied, or projected by the forward- looking information and statements. The information published in this report is provided by Clariant International Ltd and corre-sponds to the status as of the date of publication of this report.
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© 2022 Clariant AG
Rothausstrasse 61
4132 Muttenz