Materiality Assessment

In line with the strategic dimensions, Clariant conducts comprehensive materiality assessments on a regular basis. Validated by external stakeholders, the company identifies the topics that have the greatest impact on the ability to create long-term value and prioritizes with respect to performance, people, and planet.

New comprehensive materiality assessment in 2021

Clariant evaluates the materiality of economic, environmental, and social topics on an ongoing basis, drawing upon regular stakeholder discussions and market monitoring. In addition, Clariant conducts comprehensive materiality assessments to identify relevant issues and to prioritize initiatives. After the last assessment in 2017, this process was conducted again in the past business year.

Drawing from recognized sources

The materiality assessment is based on two internationally recognized frameworks: first, the Integrated ReportingIntegrated ReportingReporting that extends traditional formats of corporate disclosure in order to communicate the full range of factors that significantly affect an organization’s ability to create value through its business model. An integrated report provides insight about the resources used and impacted by the company and their interdependence. It reflects and supports integrated thinking and decision-making that focuses on the creation of value over the short, medium, and long term.View entire glossary framework issued by the International Integrated ReportingIntegrated ReportingReporting that extends traditional formats of corporate disclosure in order to communicate the full range of factors that significantly affect an organization’s ability to create value through its business model. An integrated report provides insight about the resources used and impacted by the company and their interdependence. It reflects and supports integrated thinking and decision-making that focuses on the creation of value over the short, medium, and long term.View entire glossary Council (IIRC), which is now part of the Value Reporting FoundationValue Reporting FoundationThe Value Reporting Foundation is a global nonprofit organization that offers a comprehensive suite of resources designed to help businesses and investors develop a shared understanding of enterprise value. More information: www.valuereportingfoundation.orgView entire glossary (VRF), and second, the sustainability reporting standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). An external service provider specialized in materiality assessments facilitated the process.

Based on these frameworks and other sources, including the Sustainability Accounting Standards issued by the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASBSASBThe Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Standards guide the disclosure of financially material sustainability information by companies to their investors. Available for 77 industries, the Standards identify the subset of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues most relevant to financial performance in each industry. SASB Standards are maintained under the auspices of the Value Reporting Foundation. More information: www.sasb.orgView entire glossary ), the UN Global CompactUN Global CompactThe UN Global Compact is a corporate sustainability initiative that supports companies do business responsibly by aligning their strategies and operations with Ten Principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption, and take strategic actions to advance boader societal goals, such as the UN Sustainable Develpment Goals, with an emphasis on collaboration and innovation.View entire glossary , the SDGs, and topics covered by relevant ESG ratings and rankings, Clariant compiled an extensive list of economic, environmental, and social topics as a first step in the process. Topics that Clariant and its peers had identified in the past supplemented this catalog such that the resulting list comprised 240 entries. Consolidating these entries resulted in 28 topics.

Feedback from two perspectives

As a second step in the process, 42 external stakeholders provided their views on the relevance of each topic, while 13 senior Clariant managers evaluated the importance of the issues for Clariant’s value creation.

The external stakeholders were selected based on carefully defined criteria. The group included customers, nongovernmental organization representatives, sustainability experts, scientists, suppliers, and financial stakeholders.

Clariant senior managers evaluated the potential influence of the topics on strategy development and achievement, market positioning and growth opportunities, risk and reputation management, and compliance. Thus, Clariant implicitly accounted for impacts on sustainable development by considering these risks and opportunities.

The worldwide surveys of Management and stakeholders were conducted in English and Mandarin.

As the final step of the process, Clariant’s senior management evaluated and validated the results of the assessment in a follow-­up workshop.

Materiality Matrix

The Clariant Materiality MatrixMateriality MatrixClariant continually evaluates and prioritizes economic, environmental, and social issues by assessing their materiality – the extent to which they impact our business and society. In 2021, Clariant conducted a comprehensive materiality assessment, which identified the issues that are most relevant to the company and its stakeholders. Both internal and external stakeholders were involved in the process which assessed the relevance of 28 topics spanning economic, governance, environmental and social dimensions. The material topics identified include employment opportunities, climate protection, product stewardship, as well as diversity, equity and inclusion. Clariant makes use of regular stakeholder interactions and market monitoring to make necessary adjustments to its materiality matrix.ClariantView entire glossary summarizes the outcomes of the assessment. Figure 016 The horizontal axis depicts the relevance of the topics for Clariant’s value creation, whereas the vertical axis shows the relevance of the topics to stakeholders. The topics fall into two categories: Advance and Focus. Focus topics are essential to Clariant’s ability to create long-term value; Advance topics offer opportunities that will allow Clariant to better meet expectations.

Review on Performance, People, and Planet

This publication depicts Clariant’s dedicated management approaches, as well as current developments, activities, and achievements for each material topic.

Review on Performance, People, and Planet


Materiality Matrix
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