301: Materials

Disclosure 301-1 Materials used by weight or volume









in m t









Total weight or volume of materials that are used to produce and package the organization’s primary products and services during the reporting period

















in m t









Total production









Economic handling of limited resources reduces the environmental footprint which in turn has significant influence on the success of companies. Besides the development of sustainable products, efficient and resource-saving production is very important in order to reach sustainability goals. In this regard, comprehensive and intensive raw material management renders a decisive contribution. Efficient optimization programs continuously improve water balance and energy efficiency, while lowering pollutant emissions and amounts of waste. Clariant promotes the use of renewable raw materials and supports the development of bio-economy through its products and innovation efforts in order to foster a sustainable value chain. In the past years, Clariant has continually improved process efficiency and production procedures.

These overall numbers mainly reflect the changes in product portfolio as requested by customers. They do not directly show efficiency improvements or deterioration.

Disclosure 301-2 Recycled input materials used

Clariant tries, wherever possible, to use recycled materials in production. However, the percentage is low due to the nature of the production process, as recycled raw materials cannot be used very often due to the requirements regarding purity or because safety standards must be met. Clariant uses almost only fresh raw materials from direct precursors for the reasons mentioned above. However, there is an internal cycle that is an integral part of the production process for auxiliaries, for product purification, and separation. The material in such recycle streams is used several times in order to deliver the desired energy and resource savings. A meaningful detection of the corresponding amounts is not possible as these cycles are an integral part of the overall process.

Disclosure 301-3 Reclaimed products and their packaging materials

Clariant provides mostly reusable packaging when supplying customers, who will either return them to Clariant after they have been emptied or use existing recycling systems. Often products will be shipped as bulk goods in tank trucks and rail tank cars or silo trucks. Moreover, cleanable and reusable packaging is used where possible and acceptable to the customer. To the extent possible, packaging is recycled for material purposes or, especially in the case of hazardous materials, used to generate energy. The packaging used by Clariant meets the legal requirements and ensures product quality.