303: Water
Disclosure 303-1 Water withdrawal by source
2014 |
2015 |
2016 |
2017 |
Total volume of water withdrawn (in m m3) |
51 |
49 |
48 |
49 |
2014 |
2015 |
2016 |
2017 |
Water consumption relative in m3/t product |
13.4 |
13.3 |
11.7 |
10.6 |
One of the main auxiliary materials for the chemical industry is water. Foremost, it is used as a coolant and as process water in production. Of the 49 million m3 of Clariant’s total water quantity purchased in 2017, about 70 % has been used for the cooling of its production plants, 20 % for production processes, and 10 % as product component, for steam/ice generation, irrigation, or for sanitary purposes. The water requirements, especially at the large production sites, are primarily supplied by river water. Before it flows into the piping system at each site, the river water is cleaned using various filter systems according to its intended purpose. Remaining amounts are obtained from the respective local water grids, but not in volumes that would significantly impair the water system.
Disclosure 303-2 Water sources significantly affected by withdrawal of water
Clariant is a chemical company with a long-standing history, and some of its production sites are more than a hundred years old. New locations were chosen because of the required infrastructure in already existing industrial settlements. For these reasons, Clariant’s properties for plants and office buildings are located today almost exclusively in industrial parks or appropriate commercial districts. Because of these targeted locations, animal and plant species included on the Red List of the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources) and on national protection lists are not visibly affected by Clariant’s business activities.
Clariant does not operate any sites in biological reserves or in areas with a high biodiversity value. If forests, which are generally unprotected areas, are located in the immediate vicinity, Clariant ensures that the nature of the plant and the activity carried out there do not have an appreciable adverse effect on the flora and fauna there. In areas recultivated by Clariant following bentonite extraction (such as Southern Bavaria), certain types of animals that are on the Red List of Threatened Species have even repopulated.
With regard to plants located next to rivers, Clariant has laid down strict environmental regulations so that its activities have no registerable impact on the surrounding flora and fauna. The wastewater produced by Clariant in the year under review had no measurable impact on biodiversity. Clariant mostly operates plants in integrated industrial sites without sensitive adjacent areas.
Clariant is also aware of the possible impact of certain raw materials and their cultivation on biodiversity, as in the case of palm oil. Therefore, Clariant cooperates with customers to improve traceability of palm-based raw materials and is a member of RSPO, offering RSPO MB-certified material.
Disclosure 303-3 Water recycled and reused
At some Clariant locations, cooling water is guided into circulatory systems, where the temperature is again lowered after use in recooling plants. This environmentally compatible cooling method is used in plants where technically possible. In 2017, it saved 139 million m3 of industrial water, which would otherwise have been additionally procured.