Sustainability is an important success factor for our company. That is why we announced »add value with sustainability« as a pillar of our corporate strategy in August 2014. The principles of Responsible Care® and the UN Global Compact form the basis for this.
Sustainability also plays an increasingly important role for our customers. That is why, as one of the leading specialty chemical companies, we offer products and solutions that address global challenges such as resource scarcity, climate change, energy, nutrition and environmental protection, which concern all of us.
We are gradually working to integrate sustainability into all of the company’s processes, and beyond the boundaries of the company. Even the theme »sustainability along the value chain« is becoming increasingly significant: development, innovation, procurement, manufacturing and customer benefits – there are starting points for more sustainable business everywhere. We are working hard to implement the highest possible degree of sustainability at all levels.
Transparency and traceability of sources are of growing importance in the production of raw materials. Sustainability can only work if we collaborate closely with suppliers and customers to maintain social and environmental standards. This is why we carefully examine the supply chain for possible improvements. We use renewable raw materials wherever it is possible and wherever it makes sense. For example, certified, bio-based raw materials whose origin can be traced are of increasing importance for cosmetics and personal care products. We have launched the pilot project »SPOTS®« (Sustainable Palm Oil & Traceability with Sabah Small Producers) with different partners along the value chain, which provides exactly this transparency for the production of palm oil and palm oil derivatives.
Sustainability also fuels our innovation pipeline with new ideas and is an important factor for our future growth in this respect. Only with innovations we will be able to achieve the leading position in the market to which we aspire. From the beginning of the innovation process, we make sure that product developments meet our sustainability requirements. This helps us to identify opportunities for new, sustainable products early on.
As part of the Portfolio Value Program, we have screened our existing product portfolio for its sustainability performance using an extensive list of criteria. Those products that have an outstanding sustainability profile are awarded with our EcoTain® label. At the end of 2015, more than 80 products already qualified for this recognition. The program also serves to target and identify potential for improvement. Our sustainability strategy is to continuously improve the portfolio by renewing or replacing products.
On 2 September 2015, we presented our sustainability strategy to representatives from industry, government, non-governmental organizations and the media at the first Sustainability Dialog. The consistently positive feedback we have received along the way and the open dialog affirms our approach.
We have also made additional progress with regard to production processes. As part of our environmental targets, we have undertaken to improve six key environmental parameters by 30% –40% by 2025 – always with respect to the amount of goods produced. Judging by the progress already achieved, this means another significant step towards more efficient production.
Top priority is accorded to the employees at Clariant and we want to be seen as the industry’s preferred employer. Our values and goals should contribute to a motivating and challenging work environment. In this context, it is important to us that we can position ourselves as a responsible company. With a global roadshow entitled »Accelerate Change – Discover Value« we have brought our employees worldwide closer to the issue of sustainability in the year under review.
The fact that we have successfully established sustainability as an integral part of our business activities is also reflected in our recent inclusion in the prestigious Dow Jones Sustainability Index and the ranking among the top four companies in the chemical industry. For the first time, we were also awarded a Silver Class Award by RobecoSAM, an investment specialist in sustainable investments.
We want to develop Clariant into a leading global specialty chemicals company characterized by above-average value creation. I am convinced that we can offer our customers real added value with consistent implementation of our sustainability strategy, and thus make a significant contribution to value creation over the long term for all stakeholders.

Responsible Care® refers to a worldwide initiative by the chemical industry to continuously improve its performance in the fields of environmental protection, health and safety. VIEW ENTIRE GLOSSARY
Stakeholders are people or groups whose interests are linked in various ways with those of a company. They include shareholders, business partners, employees, neighbors, and the community. VIEW ENTIRE GLOSSARY