of all currently produced chemicals can be produced with renewable materials
Pink going green
As the first manufacturer of the high-performance pigment quinacridone, Clariant uses bio-based succinic acid in the production process. Clariant obtains the bio-based succinic acid from Myriant, a leading manufacturer of chemicals made from renewable resources. It was especially important for Clariant that the bio-based succinic acid used does not compete with food, that it reduces CO2 emissions, and also has the same performance characteristics as conventional raw materials.


»With bio-succinic acids, we can reduce the carbon footprint by up to 90% compared to petroleum-based products.«
What challenges did you face when developing bio-succinic acid based on renewable materials?
David Leblanc There were several challenges we had to face. First and foremost, how could we convince a historically conservative industry to embrace a new technology? Especially one that would require significant changes to established product lines. Secondly, we had to overcome the negative perceptions that typically follow »green« products, such as performance deficits with natural materials, their lack of economic viability compared to petrochemical products or that they are in direct competition with the food chain. Luckily, Clariant was one of the first to see the total value proposition: no green premium, non-food based, higher performance and low carbon footprint.
What raw materials do you use?
David Leblanc We use natural renewable sugars extracted from carbohydrates. These include corn, sorghum and any other readily available, high-volume agricultural crop. An additional source is waste cellulosic materials, which are extracted from residual parts of crops that would be otherwise discarded. These natural materials include cornhusks, leaves and stocks, as well as the fibrous matter left over from processed sugar canes.
What are the benefits of producing bio-succinic acid with renewable materials?
David Leblanc Our succinic acids have several advantages over the competition. As bio-succinic acid has the identical physical properties to petro succinic acids, there is no performance drop-off. In some cases, there are fewer impurities in bio-succinic acids, which lead to higher value derivatives. There is added price stability as there are fewer price fluctuations with sugars and carbohydrates than with crude oil. And with bio-succinic acids, we can reduce the carbon footprint by up to 90% compared to petroleum-based products. Furthermore, one of our unique innovations at Myriant is the process that allows us to capture and use carbon dioxide as a raw material and thereby reduce the amount of greenhouse gases released in the atmosphere.
What potential do you see in bio-based materials like bio-succinic acid? Is the demand growing?
David Leblanc In the next decade alone, we expect 10% of currently produced chemicals to be based on natural materials. But that?s only the tip of the proverbial iceberg, as over 90% of all currently produced chemicals can be produced with bio-based materials, meaning there is plenty of potential for the industry to do more with renewable materials. Finding solutions that provide performance without straining the environment is also key, as we know consumers prefer »green« products to petrochemical products when all things are equal.
In addition to pigments, what other products use bio-succinic acid?
David Leblanc Bio-succinic acid is what we in the industry refer to as a »platform chemical«. This means it is used in downstream products, such as urethanes in paints, plasticizers, adhesives, medical devices, etc. However, bio-succinic acid is also used in a host of other products, such as bath salts, metal plating chemicals, paint solvents, pharmaceutical and agricultural products, cosmetic ingredients, the list goes on. Its versatility and ability to replace petrochemical materials makes it potentially worth billions. Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that the potential for bio-succinic acid is massive.

Quinacridone pigments
Quinacridone pigments fulfill the criteria of EcoTain®, our approach to sustainability on product level.
DISCOVER VALUE – Quinacridone pigments