In 2015, for the second year in a row, Clariant China received the »Responsible Care® Chairman Award« for extraordinary sustainable management from the Association of International Chemical Manufacturers (AICM). The AICM is an association of 60 foreign chemical companies operating in China, and with the prize, awards the efforts for »Responsible Care®« – an initiative of the global chemical industry in the areas of environment, safety and health to voluntarily go beyond what laws and regulations require.
In 2015, Clariant was added to the Sustainability Guide 2015 of the renowned Brazilian business publication »Exame Magazine« for the first time. The guide recognized Clariant as one of the most sustainable companies in the Brazilian chemical industry. The »Portfolio Value Program«, in which Clariant analyzes the entire product portfolio systematically in terms of sustainability, was highlighted in an especially positive light.
Clariant was the first company in Guatemala to receive the »Oficina Verde« distinction, which is awarded by the country’s Cleaner Production Center. The Cleaner Production Center is a foundation which is supported by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), among others. The sustainability performance of Clariant’s locations were awarded in the areas of energy consumption, waste, raw material consumption and raising awareness among employees.
In mid-2015, sunliquid®, an innovative technology developed by Clariant that converts agricultural residues like straw into cellulosic ethanol and sugars, has been awarded third place in the Automobility category at the GreenTec Awards, Europe’s renowned environmental-business award which honors innovative projects that point the way to a cleaner future. Biofuels from agricultural residues offer savings of up to 95% in greenhouse-gas emissions, reduce the particle emissions by half and do not compete with food or feed production.
Recognition of the sustainability performance by Investment specialists
Efforts by Clariant to do business more sustainably are also noticed by the financial market. In 2015, Clariant was again admitted to the European and the global Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI). This internationally renowned sustainability index group selects listed companies based on economic, environmental and social criteria. For DJSI World, the 2 500 largest companies in the industry are invited to participate in the review. In order to be listed on the DJSI, Clariant was required to demonstrate outstanding economic, environmental, and social achievements. Clariant is thus in the top four percent of companies in the chemical industry worldwide in terms of sustainability. Clariant also received the best evaluations in the disciplines of social engagement, environmental reporting and strategy for the prevention of antitrust violations. For the result it achieved, Clariant was awarded the Silver Class Award for the first time by RobecoSAM, who performs the sustainability review for DJSI.

Responsible Care® refers to a worldwide initiative by the chemical industry to continuously improve its performance in the fields of environmental protection, health and safety. VIEW ENTIRE GLOSSARY