Clariant expressly supports UN Global Compact and the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), also known as the UN Human Rights Charter.
The charter comprises general human rights principles, which serve as a joint ideal for all people and nations to ensure that each individual and all bodies of the company constantly strive to promote respect for corresponding rights and freedoms through education and training. National and international measures must thereby guarantee the formal as well as the actual recognition of, and compliance to, human rights. This applies to Clariant also. Accordingly, no complaints about adverse conditions were brought forward against Clariant in the year under review because of adverse effects of company concerns.
This responsibility forms an integral part of the company’s philosophy. All Clariant employees are educated and trained to assume responsibility in line with their function, level of authority and qualifications. Clariant places great emphasis on upholding human rights within its sphere of influence. A number of internal regulations as well as Clariant’s voluntary commitments in accordance with international charters are designed to safeguard these rights.
Clariant does not focus social engagement on individual showcase projects, but is actively committed to the common good in each and every location in which the Group operates. By structuring clear processes, the applied resources generate the biggest possible benefit for the recipient and Clariant itself with the right priorities. Guidelines help to clearly distinguish what charitable activities, investments in the community and commercial initiatives are. Clariant was involved in numerous projects in 2015, especially in the vicinity of the various production sites. In a very large number of cases, Clariant supports the education, training, and personal development of children and adolescents. In addition, the company also supports numerous activities in the areas of infrastructure, science, art and culture. And often these projects are not one-off events but part of long-term commitments.
Compliance is a key element of Corporate Governance. It refers to compliance with the law and directives as well as with voluntary codes within the company. VIEW ENTIRE GLOSSARY