By 2025, Clariant wants to achieve significant improvements in six major parameters compared to the base year 2013. With respect to quantities produced, energy consumption and CO2 emissions should be reduced by 30% within the next 12 years. The emission of greenhouse gases should be reduced by 35%, to the same extent as the amount of water used and the volume of waste. The waste water volume should even be reduced by 40% over the next 12 years.
ENVIRONMENTAL TARGETS 2025 in % (per t produced goods)

Clariant does not intend to become more sustainable in the long-term with the implementation of a multitude of isolated solutions, but rather with a holistic approach – including social responsibility. All regulations, precautions and measures intertwine across the entire life-cycle of a product (see Production Optimization).
Clariant Excellence as an initiative for continuous improvement
Clariant launched the group-wide Clariant Excellence initiative in 2009 to implement the corporate goals with a sustainable increase in value. Clariant Excellence is the core concept for continuous improvement. It includes the four areas: Operational Excellence, Commercial Excellence, Innovation Excellence and People Excellence. Clariant Excellence provides working methods and tools for the optimization of production processes, cost structures and the supply chain. Clariant Excellence also provides measures to improve profitability through a clear focus on margin and price. It provides for a lasting improvement in competitiveness and the consistent implementation of a profitable and, above all, sustainable growth strategy. As an example, around CHF 144 million could be saved in the group in 2015, and cumulatively over the past five years, the savings amount to CHF 564 million.
Clariant Excellence is an initiative launched in March 2009 with the aim of establishing a culture of continuous improvement. The initiative is based on a change in mindset among all employees and at all levels of the company. It aims to improve competitiveness through gains in efficiency and to create added value. The four elements of Clariant Excellence are: Operational, Commercial, People, and Innovation Excellence. VIEW ENTIRE GLOSSARY
Clariant Excellence is an initiative launched in March 2009 with the aim of establishing a culture of continuous improvement. The initiative is based on a change in mindset among all employees and at all levels of the company. It aims to improve competitiveness through gains in efficiency and to create added value. The four elements of Clariant Excellence are: Operational, Commercial, People, and Innovation Excellence. VIEW ENTIRE GLOSSARY