Material Topics – Advance
Employee Engagement
Management Approach
103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its boundary
Reason for materiality
Clariant carefully manages Employee Engagement to be an employer of choice, attracting top talent and helping the company deliver lasting results. Employee Engagement and retention programs improve Clariant’s internal and external reputation as an attractive employer, increasing the interest of potential external candidates and the motivation and commitment of Clariant’s employees.
Contribution to value creation
By enhancing motivation and commitment, Employee Engagement and retention programs drive employee performance. As a result, they reduce employee turnover, mitigate early-leaver risks, and lower cost per hire, thereby supporting Clariant’s overall cost-saving targets.
Knowing that real performance excellence comes from challenged, empowered, and rewarded teams, Clariant continuously strives to keep people motivated and increase its Employee Engagement levels worldwide.
Impact in the value chain
103-2 The management approach and its components
Responsibilities and resources
Employee Engagement is a responsibility of each leader in the organization. The strongest drivers of engagement are trust in the leadership team, a motivating work environment and atmosphere, a vision that employees can identify with, and a clear sense of purpose in what they are doing.
Goals and targets
The primary objective of Employee Engagement is to provide clear direction to people by explaining strategic decisions and the implications of everyone’s responsibilities. It also enables employees to deliver on challenging objectives by providing the necessary infrastructure and implementing consistent processes.
Further components
Clariant’s strategies for Employee Engagement include regular communication on the direction of the company, involvement of employees in strategy sessions, and inclusive leadership. Key parameters for employee engagement include authentic leadership, recognition programs, career opportunities, and personal development.
Clariant’s Employee Policy includes key principles and minimum standards for working conditions and labor practices. These are crucial to ensure a fair, transparent, and discrimination-free work environment. The policy is globally applicable and must also be applied by employment agencies and contractors doing business with Clariant. The framework underscores Clariant’s commitment to its six corporate values: Drive for Excellence, Disciplined Performance Management, Deliver to Promise, Courageous and Decisive Leadership, Lived Appreciation, and Corporate Responsibility.
Clariant has a comprehensive Recognition Program in place that acknowledges strong results with a diversity of rewards. The program includes monetary recognition awards for outstanding achievements and nonfinancial awards that encourage employees to recognize the efforts and contributions of their peers and supervisors in the form of vouchers or presents.
Through Clariant’s referral program, employees who recruit new candidates from their professional networks that result in a successful hire receive a cash reward.
The Global Benefits Policy contains key elements to be covered within all local benefit programs, including benefits related to retirement, flexible work arrangements, death, travel, accident, health, and well-being. It also acknowledges country-specific circumstances. The policy was developed based on the input received through a global benefit survey conducted in 2018.
Read more: Integrated Report, Employee Engagement
103-3 Evaluation of the management approach and measurement
Evaluation and outcome
Clariant offers diverse platforms to collect employees’ feedback related to their engagement. Employee engagement surveys, team barometer evaluations, and functional feedback surveys are conducted on a regular basis.
To evaluate Employee Engagement across the organization, Clariant conducts biannual »Pulse Surveys« with a group randomly selected from the global workforce. Compared to former engagement surveys, this format covers more strategic and Clariant-specific topics, such as strategy, vision, and change, and asks for concrete reasons why people want to work for Clariant. The survey results are used for organizational development and help Clariant position itself as an employer of choice. The company plans to use »Pulse Surveys« to involve the different Business Units and service units more systematically to ensure that the specifics of each unit are sufficiently considered. In 2020, the second global »Pulse Survey« was conducted. In 2020, Clariant addressed the entire management-level population, consisting of 750 employees, of which 60% responded. Since this represents a different employee pool than in 2018, the survey results cannot be directly compared. The company will issue an employee survey with the broader Clariant population again in 2021.
The responses revealed that Clariant’s overall strategy, goals, and sustainability strategy are well understood and supported by management. A clear majority of responding employees feel safe and energetic at work. They enjoy their work, are proud to work for Clariant, and would recommend the company as an employer to others.
Apart from the survey, Clariant tracks employee turnover and compares it to industry benchmarks to detect and mitigate decreases in employee retention.
GRI 202:2016 Market Presence
202-1 Ratios of standard entry-level wage by gender compared to local minimum wage
Clariant pays wages and salaries that are determined by local, relevant competitive market data rather than by legally defined minimum wages. However, as prescribed by Clariant’s global Employment Policy, minimum wage standards always have to be adhered to by local Human Resources departments.
202-2 Proportion of senior management hired from the local community
2017 |
2018 |
2019 |
2020 |
Percentage of senior management at significant locations1 of operation who are hired from the local community |
75% |
57% |
60% |
60% |
At the end of 2020, 60% of all senior managers (Executive Committee and top four management levels) were citizens of or had an indefinite right to reside in the country where they were employed. Within the European Union, nationalities of all member states are considered »local.«
GRI 401:2016 Employment
401-1 New employee hires and employee turnover
2017 |
2018 |
2019 |
2020 |
Total number of new employee hires |
1 983 |
2 142 |
1 5701 |
9182 |
Male |
1 412 |
1 453 |
1 080 |
647 |
Female |
571 |
689 |
490 |
271 |
Under 30 |
969 |
985 |
744 |
393 |
30-50 |
922 |
1 045 |
750 |
464 |
Over 50 |
92 |
112 |
76 |
61 |
Europe |
622 |
751 |
561 |
304 |
Latin America |
341 |
359 |
317 |
156 |
Middle East/Africa |
130 |
93 |
61 |
31 |
North America |
402 |
436 |
273 |
92 |
Asia-Pacific |
488 |
503 |
358 |
335 |
Employees who left |
1 991 |
2 047 |
1 817 |
1 522 |
Male |
1 448 |
1 515 |
1 322 |
1 085 |
Female |
543 |
532 |
495 |
437 |
Under 30 |
603 |
540 |
461 |
393 |
30-50 |
839 |
970 |
915 |
668 |
Over 50 |
495 |
537 |
441 |
461 |
Europe |
658 |
588 |
544 |
505 |
Latin America |
400 |
358 |
398 |
310 |
Middle East/Africa |
90 |
142 |
78 |
39 |
North America |
424 |
536 |
433 |
297 |
Asia-Pacific |
419 |
423 |
364 |
371 |
Turnover rate (%) |
11.0 |
11.1 |
10.3 |
10.33 |
401-2 Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not provided to temporary or part-time employees
No intentional differentiation is made in the company benefits provided by Clariant due to the type of employment contract. This does not exclude differences that depend on the individual case and local circumstances, such as local industry standards or cultural expectations. The deciding criterion in this case is the customary market standard.
401-3 Parental leave
2017 |
2018 |
2019 |
2020 |
Total number of employees who were entitled to parental leave, by gender |
17 687 |
17 382 |
17 223 |
13 235 |
Male |
13 986 |
13 613 |
13 497 |
10 191 |
Female |
3 701 |
3 769 |
3 726 |
3 044 |
Total number of employees who took parental leave, by gender |
644 |
732 |
643 |
445 |
Male |
482 |
464 |
432 |
317 |
Female |
162 |
268 |
211 |
128 |
Total number of employees who returned to work in the reporting period after parental leave ended, by gender |
611 |
689 |
599 |
471 |
Male |
477 |
466 |
419 |
318 |
Female |
134 |
223 |
180 |
153 |
Clariant promotes family-friendly job opportunities. All mothers are guaranteed a comparable position upon their return to work for up to one year following the birth or adoption of a child. For the two years following the birth or adoption, Clariant grants all parents a minimum of ten days of paid leave for family purposes in addition to their standard annual vacation. Considering that all permanent employees of Clariant are theoretically entitled to this provision, this would extend to all 10 191 males and 3 044 females for 2020. In 2020, 128 mothers and 317 fathers took advantage of this opportunity. In the same year, 471 employees returned to their workplaces, of which 153 were female and 318 were male.
GRI 402:2016 Labor/Management Relations
402-1 Minimum notice periods regarding operational changes
Clariant complies with all local statutory and operational requirements regarding the provision of information to employee representatives and employees. All employees are promptly informed of all significant operational changes. In addition, regular and ad hoc information is provided to all employees via the intranet as well as information letters from the CEO and management in all relevant languages. Corporate information sessions such as town hall meetings are held regularly.
GRI 405:2016 Diversity and Equal Opportunity
405-1 Diversity of governance bodies and employees
2019 |
2020 |
Percentage of individuals within the Board of Directors |
Male |
75% |
75% |
Female |
25% |
25% |
30-50 |
0% |
8% |
Over 50 |
100% |
92% |
2019 |
2020 |
Male |
Female |
Male |
Female |
Number of employees by age group (FTEs) |
13 497 |
3 726 |
10 214 |
3 020 |
Under 30 |
1 761 |
713 |
1 367 |
529 |
30-50 |
7 844 |
2 248 |
5 889 |
1 909 |
Over 50 |
3 891 |
766 |
2 959 |
582 |
2019 |
2020 |
Breakdown of employees by nationality |
FTEs |
Percent |
FTEs |
Percent |
German |
4 595 |
26.7% |
4 023 |
30.4% |
Indian |
1 798 |
10.4% |
1 517 |
11.5% |
Chinese |
1 181 |
6.9% |
1 031 |
7.8% |
Brazilian |
1 179 |
6.8% |
981 |
7.4% |
Indonesian |
724 |
4.2% |
620 |
4.7% |
Mexican |
597 |
3.5% |
521 |
3.9% |
Spanish |
427 |
2.5% |
310 |
2.3% |
Turkish |
396 |
2.3% |
283 |
2.1% |
Polish |
351 |
2.0% |
283 |
2.1% |
Japanese |
279 |
1.6% |
260 |
2.0% |
Argentinian |
219 |
1.3% |
191 |
1.4% |
Colombian |
268 |
1.6% |
183 |
1.4% |
French |
236 |
1.4% |
167 |
1.3% |
Ukrainian |
153 |
0.9% |
145 |
1.1% |
South African |
182 |
1.1% |
142 |
1.1% |
Swiss |
139 |
0.8% |
141 |
1.1% |
Italian |
515 |
3.0% |
140 |
1.1% |
Malaysian |
191 |
1.1% |
1 |
1 |
Thai |
181 |
1.0% |
1 |
1 |
Others (incl. North America, for whom no nationality data is recorded) |
3 612 |
21.0% |
2 299 |
17.4% |
2018 |
2019 |
2020 |
Total management functions |
819 |
812 |
691 |
Male |
688 |
674 |
575 |
Female |
131 |
138 |
115 |
Senior management functions1 |
248 |
234 |
196 |
Male |
219 |
209 |
177 |
Female |
29 |
25 |
19 |
Junior management functions2 |
571 |
578 |
495 |
Male |
469 |
465 |
398 |
Female |
12 |
113 |
96 |
405-2 Ratio of basic salary and remuneration of women to men
With regard to Clariant’s zero-tolerance approach to any form of discrimination, regional and local Human Resources departments work toward ensuring avoidance or elimination of any discriminatory practices in work-related activities, particularly regarding remuneration, training, vocational guidance, and social security. Globally, the average basic salary of female employees was 93.27% of the average male employee salary in 2020. New hires and exits were excluded from these calculations.
Ethics and Compliance
Management Approach
103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its boundary
Reason for materiality
Clariant aspires to be perceived by its stakeholders as a world-class, high-performance company that acts with the highest standards of ethics and integrity. It believes that sustainable business success is closely linked to compliance with laws, regulations, ethical values and integrity standards. Clariant’s stakeholders and society at large do not tolerate bribery, corruption, or anti-competitive behavior—adhering to this expectation is a mandate for a reputable and sustainable company.
Contribution to value creation
Applying the highest standards of ethics and integrity is fundamental to sustainable growth and essential for Clariant’s long-term business success.
Compliance and ethical behavior apply not only to Clariant’s own operations, but also to its third parties acting for or on behalf of Clariant, who are undergoing a detailed due diligence process.
Impact in the value chain
103-2 The management approach and its components
Responsibilities and resources
Clariant’s Business Units are responsible for managing business ethics and compliance in their daily operations. Group Compliance and Group Legal Services provide support to the businesses in adhering to Clariant’s ethical standards by providing trainings and advice as well as by gaining trust from stakeholders and ensuring an impeccable reputation in the marketplace. Since 2019 Clariant has a full-time Head of Compliance, full- or part-time Regional Compliance Officers in each region, Country Compliance Officers, and an Ethics and Integrity project manager dedicated specifically to Ethics and Compliance. They are supported by employees from Group Legal Services.
Clariant’s Data Privacy Organization is responsible for creating awareness around data privacy and implementing the Data Privacy Program throughout the organization with Data Privacy Champions in each Business Unit and region.
Goals and targets
Clariant does not have goals and targets currently in place for Ethics and Compliance.
Further components
The Strategic Integrity Roadmap, with its five-pillar approach, provides guidance to achieve the highest standards for responsible business conduct by combining a leadership program, legal and compliance risk management, training and communication, standards and controls, as well as program measurement, auditing, and monitoring.
Code of Conduct and Policies
A central instrument to ensure ethical behavior is Clariant’s Code of Conduct, which guides employees in reflecting on decisions and acting responsibly. In 2019, Clariant revised its Code of Conduct into a new Code of Ethics, which will be published on its website in 2021. All employees will be trained on the Code of Ethics.
Besides its globally applicable Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy (ABC Policy) and Gift Policy, Clariant developed local policies regarding gifts, entertainment, and community engagement work. The company also regularly updates its comprehensive antitrust compliance program and guidelines.
Training and Communication
Clariant offers regular e-learning courses on anti-bribery and anti-corruption. Special target groups receive further face-to-face training courses. New employees are familiarized with the Code of Conduct and Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy. Regular classroom trainings and e-learnings on antitrust matters are mandatory for employees working in procurement, marketing, sales and other relevant functions, as set out in Clariant’s Antitrust Training Policy.
Data Privacy Program and Governance
In response to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union, Clariant implemented a Data Privacy Program in 2018. The program consisted of a policy framework that encompasses Data Privacy Policy, a general Directive on how to process personal data, SOPs on selected aspects of the Data Privacy Policy, and basic Data Privacy e-learning courses to familiarize all employees with the principles of the data privacy policy, as well as deep dives for target employees.
Clariant also established an internally certified Data Privacy Organization. Employees are trained on the main topics of the International Association of Privacy Professionals ( The certified employees are responsible for creating awareness and building up the relevant knowledge throughout the company with a »train the trainer« approach.
Grievance Mechanism
Employees can confidentially report malpractices to the Ethics & Integrity organization. All violations against the Code of Conduct and any workplace-related compliance issues can be reported through the »Clariant Integrity Line,« which is also available for Clariant’s business partners.
103-3 Evaluation of the management approach and measurement
Evaluation and outcome
The Ethics and Risk Management Committee (ERMC) was renamed this year into the Executive Committee Sub Committee Ethics & Risk (ECS E&R)— and reviews regular reporting on the delivery of the Strategic Compliance Roadmap as well as updates on individual measures, cases reported, and remediation taken. In addition, ERM was integrated in the committee and the replication on a regional level has been reviewed and assessed by the ECS E&R for four regions to further foster a culture of ethics and integrity across the organization. ESHA and Information Security are members of ECS E&R and provide yearly overviews of their programs. These insights help Clariant ingrain a culture of ethics & integrity throughout the organization and provide assurance on the program.
Clariant designed its five-pillar strategy based on a detailed three-year plan, including key performance indicators that have been tracked since 2018. These indicators are further evaluated to continuously improve the effectiveness of Clariant’s approach. Both the Executive Committee and Audit Committee were involved in setting the indicators. The ECS Executive Committee receives quarterly updates on the progress and measures that are taken, and the Audit Committee receives biannual updates.
Clariant employs a due diligence process to examine distributors and agents. The process ensures that they are not involved in any form of bribery or compliance violation, they are reputable in good standing, and that they do not appear on a sanction list. It further verifies that they have an appropriate compliance framework in place and have access to a relevant training program provided by Clariant.
Clariant’s investigation process applies to all reported concerns and breaches of the Code of Conduct. Corporate Functions (Group Compliance, Group Human Resources, Corporate Auditing, Environmental Safety and Health Affairs (ESHA), and other functions where appropriate) are responsible for the investigation, and the global ECS E&R and the Regional Ethics and Risk Management Committees are responsible for remediation.
To evaluate effectiveness, Clariant internally tracks a total of 25 indicators in the categories »Leadership,« »Risk Management,« »Training,« »Communication,« »Standards and Controls,« and »Monitoring, Auditing, and Reporting.« Clariant also tracks the number and type of the process changes made in response to allegations.
In 2020, Clariant received 73 reports, including 9 questions and 64 reports through the »Clariant Integrity Line.« A case can relate to several issue types. Out of the 64 reports, 43 were related to business integrity, and 23 were related to treatment of employees. Among the other concerns highlighted, seven were related to Health & Safety or Environmental violations, and the remaining cases relate to Information Security, Cyber Risk, Data Privacy and others.
GRI 205:2016 Anti-corruption
205-1 Operations assessed for risks related to corruption
As part of Clariant’s ongoing internal auditing, corruption risks are investigated during reviews of high-risk businesses in high-risk environments with high-risk customers. In addition, in 2020, Clariant drafted a holistic fraud program; implemented a system-based, multi-factor third-party risk management system; and mandated job rotation for employees in exposed functions whenever possible.
205-2 Communication and training on anti-corruption policies and procedures
2017 |
2018 |
2019 |
2020 |
Percentage of Board members informed about anti-corruption policies |
50% |
50% |
100% |
50% |
Percentage of employees informed about anti-corruption policies |
60% |
40% |
90% |
14% |
Percentage of business partners informed about anti-corruption policies |
50% |
40% |
60% |
60% |
Percentage of Board members who received anti-corruption training |
45% |
50% |
100% |
50% |
Percentage of employees who received anti-corruption training |
60% |
30% |
86% |
14% |
Percentage of employees who received compliance training |
60% |
45% |
86% |
14% |
205-3 Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions taken
In 2020, there were nine allegations regarding bribery, corruption, and kickbacks brought forward. They led to disciplinary actions against seven employees. In four cases, the responsible employee was dismissed, and one case is still under investigation.
There were no legal proceedings against Clariant or its employees for alleged corruption. Clariant terminated relationships with six business partners (agent, distributor, or consultant).
GRI 206:2016 Anti-competitive Behavior
206-1 Legal actions for anti-competitive behavior and antitrust and monopolistic practices
In 2020, Clariant was fined EUR 155.8 million by the European Commission who had completed its investigation into the ethylene purchasing market. For further information, please refer to the Financial Review Full Year 2020. In 2020, there were no further reported legal actions for anti-competitive behavior or antitrust or monopolistic practices. Clariant reports significant legal actions in its Integrated Report.
GRI 419:2016 Socioeconomic compliance
419-1 Noncompliance with laws and regulations in the social and economic area
In 2020, Clariant was fined for not having an import license for potassium permanganate in China.
Human Rights
Management Approach
103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its boundary
Reason for materiality
Clariant is firmly committed to protecting human rights during all phases of value creation within all Business Units as this is a prerequisite for sound business governance and license to operate.
Contribution to value creation
Respecting human rights is key to sound business governance and to promoting socially responsible growth.
Clariant’s commitment to human rights applies not only to Clariant’s own business operations, but also to its entire supply chain and contracted workers. It expects suppliers and business partners to maintain the same high human rights standards.
Impact in the value chain
103-2 The management approach and its components
Responsibilities and resources
The newly established Sustainability Transformation unit, Human Resources, Legal, and Procurement departments have a shared responsibility for managing human rights.
Goals and targets
Clariant does not have goals and targets currently in place for human rights.
Further components
Clariant’s commitment to respecting human rights is enshrined in its Human Rights Policy Statement, in which Clariant reaffirms its commitment to the United Nations Human Rights Declaration and the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. The policy statement applies to all direct operations and activities and articulates a clear expectation of suppliers and contractors to uphold the same standards.
In addition, requirements regarding key human rights principles are included in Clariant’s Code of Conduct and its update to be published at the beginning of 2021, the Code of Ethics, the Code of Conduct for Suppliers, and the Employment Standards Guidelines, which protect workers’ rights with regard to nondiscrimination, forced labor, child labor, fair working conditions, freedom of association, privacy, effective remedies, and workplace health and safety. The Code of Ethics is binding for Clariant’s direct operations, including all joint ventures that are controlled by Clariant or in which it holds a majority interest. The Code of Conduct for Suppliers extends to Clariant’s suppliers and their contractors. The rights of community members—particularly regarding environmental health and safety—are a key priority for Clariant. Thus, it protects them with a comprehensive set of binding environmental, health, and safety rules.
Clariant is a signatory to the UN Global Compact. It also strongly supports collaborative initiatives that promote sustainability and respect for human rights across the industry as a member of Together for Sustainability (TfS) and the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO).
In 2016, Clariant carried out a human rights due diligence assessment with the support of external human rights experts to evaluate the potential human rights impacts of its operations and activities as well as the effectiveness of the management and monitoring systems in place. The accompanying graph illustrates the key elements of the due diligence process.

Through a series of interactive working sessions, several key functions and departments prioritized activities based on their scale and relevance to the business and their probability of having adverse effects on the human rights of workers, communities, and other groups. A human rights assessment was carried out for a number of priority activities, integrating both internal and external risk factors, such as complex subcontracting arrangements and vulnerabilities of specific groups, as well as aggregate human rights risk levels of countries and industries. The evaluation of environmental and social impacts, as well as labor rights in Clariant’s own operations and along its supply chain, played an important role in determining the extent to which Clariant appropriately mitigates adverse human rights impacts.
The assessment found that Clariant has a comprehensive set of policies, guidelines, and processes in place to ensure the implementation of its human rights commitments. In addition, it found that specific mitigation actions had been conducted for some of the high-risk areas identified in the human rights impact assessment. The assessment further concluded that Clariant’s potential human rights impacts primarily relate to contract labor and the supply chains for natural raw materials, particularly in geographies with weak national legal frameworks.
Building on this assessment, Clariant carried out a review of the legal requirements, conditions, and control measures related to contract labor in India. The review found that the country organization is well aware of the legal requirements and has implemented a clear and comprehensive process, supported by detailed evidence, checklists, and regular exchanges with authorities.
Addressing and closing the identified gaps in Clariant’s mitigation framework is a priority in the coming years. Clariant is focused on securing the same requirements for contract labor that are applied by employment agencies and contractors. Regarding the supply chain, Clariant will continue to address supply chain risks based on the geographical origin of particular raw materials to gain a better understanding of potential human rights impacts, especially in high-risk countries.
Consequently, in 2020, Clariant reviewed its conflict minerals approach to ensure compliance with the new EU Conflict Minerals Legislation. In addition, Clariant has also started a comprehensive analysis of its activities to ensure environmental and social sustainability with regard to palm-based raw materials.
103-3 Evaluation of the management approach and measurement
Evaluation and outcome
Clariant relies on well-established management and monitoring systems that enable the company to detect and mitigate potential human rights risks. In the future, Clariant will further align and streamline its activities and have further internal training activities on human rights. The evaluation of the management approach includes benchmarking against Clariant’s peers, using external benchmarks such as the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, and participating in external networks, discussions, and report reviews.
GRI 406:2016 Non-discrimination
406-1 Incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken
2016 |
2017 |
2018 |
2019 |
2020 |
Total number of incidents of discrimination during the reporting period |
4 |
3 |
3 |
2 |
0 |
In 2020, Clariant was made aware of no cases.
GRI 407:2016 Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining
407-1 Operations and suppliers with which the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining may be at risk
Clariant supports freedom of association. As part of this, it respects the right of employees to join unions and be represented by representatives of these unions internally and externally in accordance with the applicable national or local laws and practices. The same standard is applicable for suppliers. As laid down in the Code of Conduct for Suppliers, they must observe the right of their employees to strike and to be members of trade unions. Clariant knows of no cases in which freedom of association or the right to collective bargaining has been seriously jeopardized or breached.
Clariant is assessing its suppliers in relation to freedom of association, among other social, governance, and environmental topics, together with other companies via the Together for Sustainability (TfS) platform. For more information, please see ((Link)) disclosure 308-1. In 2016, Clariant also launched a human rights due diligence assessment that continued in 2020 with follow-up and mitigation activities.
GRI 408:2016 Child Labor / GRI 409: 2016 Forced or Compulsory Labor
408-1 Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of child labor / 409-1 Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of forced or compulsory labor
Clariant is assessing its suppliers in relation to child and forced labor, among other social, governance, and environmental topics, together with other companies via the Together for Sustainability (TfS) platform.
Read more: GRI Report, 308-1 New suppliers that were screened using environmental criteria
In 2016, Clariant also launched a human rights due diligence assessment that continued in 2020 with follow up and mitigation activities.
Clariant condemns all forms of child labor and respects the rights of children. Consequently, Human Resources ensures by appropriate processes and practices that minimum age provisions of national labor laws and regulations are adhered to and that adequate and verifiable mechanisms for age verification at Clariant workplaces are used by local Human Resources. ILO convention numbers 138 and 182 are expressly acknowledged as the minimum standard. Clariant is not aware of cases of child labor in the company or with its suppliers. Similarly, Clariant rejects any form of forced labor or slavery and is not aware of any cases of forced labor or slavery in the company
GRI 412:2016 Human Rights Assessment
412-1 Operations that have been subject to human rights reviews or impact assessments
Clariant monitors and manages human rights impacts, both in its own operations and in its supply chains, and works to make sure that there is no contribution, knowing or unknowing, to any adverse human rights impacts. Clariant assessed all of its operations globally in a human-rights due-diligence review.
Furthermore, Clariant established the »Clariant Integrity Line« to enable Clariant employees and external stakeholders to bring any concerns they may have to our attention. The Integrity Line is an independent third party-operated channel through which all violations against the Code of Conduct can be reported, including discrimination or violations of human rights.
Read more: Corporate Website, Human Rights
412-2 Employee training on human rights policies or procedures
E-learning modules are mandatory for all employees. Participation in these training courses, which cover different topics or themes of the Code of Conduct, is registered, and defaulters receive a warning. The code is available in all relevant national languages.
412-3 Significant investment agreements and contracts that include human rights clauses or that underwent human rights screening
All investments with a total volume of more than CHF 1 million must be approved by the Investment Subcommittee of the Executive Committee (EC). The subcommittee makes its decision based on financial, strategic, and sustainability criteria, the latter of which also includes human rights aspects.
Policy and Stakeholder Relations
Management Approach
103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its boundary
Reason for materiality
Clariant believes that participating in the public policy dialogue is an important element of corporate responsibility. Thus, in line with the company’s strategy and business objectives, Clariant contributes to policy developments in relevant areas such as chemical management and substitution; climate change; energy; bioeconomy; circular economy, with a focus on plastics’ circularity; industrial policy and competitiveness; trade; and innovation.
Contribution to value creation
An open, transparent, and trustworthy dialogue with all stakeholders is essential for Clariant. Building networks and relationships within the chemical industry, as well as with policymakers, industry coalitions, and other stakeholders such as nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), helps Clariant anticipate and mitigate risks driven by regulatory or stakeholder pressure, identify business opportunities, and create competitive advantages.
The topic is not only relevant for Clariant’s operations and value chains, but also impacts its public outreach—for example, via trade associations—to position the company and the chemical industry on strategic policy areas.
Impact in the value chain
103-2 The management approach and its components
Responsibilities and resources
The overall responsibility for policy and stakeholder relations is assigned to the Government Affairs and Advocacy team, operating under Clariant’s Sustainability Transformation. At the local level and within certain sectors, the Business Units and regional organizations have a responsibility to maintain and engage in the policy dialogue as they are well positioned to understand and address the local and sector-specific challenges and stakeholder networks.
Goals and targets
Clariant does not see the need to establish specific goals and targets for policy and stakeholder relations.
Further components
Clariant follows several avenues to contribute to public policy development. It periodically publishes position papers and responds to public stakeholder consultations and surveys. Clariant also anticipates and goes beyond regulatory requirements to abide by its ambitious sustainability commitments, and promotes policy development and stakeholder relations accordingly.
The engagement of Clariant representatives in trade associations and other platforms supports strategic alignment across the industry, provides an opportunity for exchange on industry perspectives and best practices, and brings forward Clariant’s views and interests.
Clariant has implemented clear policies for engaging in public policy development, addressing the increasing attention stakeholders and the public pay to such activities. Clariant’s Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy establishes detailed rules for employees’ interactions with public officials and political advisors, as well as for charitable contributions and political donations, and forbids any donations to political parties and related organizations. Clariant openly discloses information about its fields of interest and the scope of public affairs activities, for example, in the »Transparency Register« of the European Union.
Other activities include active participation in associations, such as the European Chemical Industry Council (Cefic), national chemical associations, sectoral business associations, sustainability forums such as the World Business Council for Sustainability Development (WBCSD) or the World Economic Forum (WEF) and ad hoc collaborations with NGOs.
103-3 Evaluation of the management approach and measurement
Evaluation and outcome
Clariant’s advocacy activities are strongly linked to the company’s growth and sustainability strategy. In the context of its advocacy strategy, which is currently under review, Clariant aims to further strengthen these ties by paying closer attention to topics such as the bioeconomy, the transition to a more circular economy, climate change and energy transition, and sustainable chemistry.
Clariant supports the call for increased transparency regarding lobbying activities and political contributions. Through its reporting on the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) and the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI), Clariant discloses the issues it has discussed with policymakers and trade associations that are likely to take a position on sustainability topics such as climate change. Moreover, Clariant performs an annual review of its membership costs and publicly discloses its top membership contributions, as well as the overall budget allocated to policy memberships.
Clariant’s continuous dialogue with policymakers, NGOs, and industry associations further supports evaluating the effectiveness of its public policy management approach.
GRI 415:2016 Public Policy
415-1 Political contributions
The Clariant Corporate Citizenship Management Policy and the Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy explicitly exclude donations to political parties. Accordingly, Clariant did not render any donations to parties, politicians, or related organizations in 2020.
Sustainability Performance in the Supply Chain
Management Approach
103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its boundary
Reason for materiality
Clariant believes that true leadership in sustainability extends beyond the company’s operations and considers sustainability impacts and opportunities across the entire value chain. Customers, employees, community members, the general public, and other stakeholders expect companies to understand their wider impact and foster sustainable change and growth.
Contribution to value creation
As part of Clariant’s commitment to identifying and reducing potential risks, enhancing the sustainability performance across its end-to-end supply chains, Clariant proactively engages with suppliers to monitor and improve the sustainability performance of the materials and services it sources from them.
In order to be a true sustainability leader, Clariant goes beyond its own operations and drives its sustainability strategy across its entire spend on materials and services. Clariant’s sustainability strategy includes its comprehensive and complex global supply chains, including its suppliers.
Impact in the value chain
103-2 The management approach and its components
Responsibilities and resources
Clariant Procurement has developed and rolled out its sustainability strategy across all regions and spend categories, covering approximately CHF 3.3 billion of yearly spend. Sustainability in the supply chain is coordinated and steered by the Group Procurement Service’s Sustainability team, which reports directly to the Head of Procurement.
Goals and targets
Clariant derives yearly supply chain sustainability targets from its Procurement Sustainability Roadmap. In 2020, four out of eight procurement key performance indicators related to sustainability.
They are:
- Increasing spend coverage with sustainability evaluation and decreasing spend with risk suppliers, based on supplier sustainability assessments. This target is to be reached in collaboration with the different Business Units.
- Number of new supplier sustainability assessment scorecards generated
- Number of new sustainability audit reports generated
- Number of suppliers that have improved their score in the sustainability assessments
In 2019, Clariant adopted an overall target on spend coverage and risk spend, which is characterized as spend on suppliers with a »Together for Sustainability« (TfS) assessment score of less than 45. At the core of Clariant’s Supply Chain Sustainability is the aim to purposefully support strategic suppliers to comply with minimum scores defined by Clariant and to continuously improve their performance. In 2020, 62 percent of reassessed suppliers improved their sustainability performance by reaching better sustainability scores in the TfS assessment performed by EcoVadis.
Further components
Sustainability forms an integral part of Clariant’s procurement practices, irrespective of material, geography, or risk potential. Suppliers, outsourcing partners, and service providers are selected and managed based on a comprehensive set of criteria. These benchmarks include not only economic and product-specific performance, but also nonfinancial and sustainability considerations, such as complaint management, creditworthiness, safety standards, working conditions, and respect for human rights.
Supplier Sustainability Management Trainings
Building and continuously updating skills in supplier sustainability management and ensuring sustainability are a critical part of the state-of-the-art procurement expertise, Clariant Procurement develops and deploys a Sustainability Capability-Building Program with yearly waves of training sessions and supporting materials, such as dedicated toolkits for buyers as well as suppliers. It also includes »Lunch & Learn« sessions on a variety of topics relevant for sustainable supply chain management.
Procurement Sustainability Roadmap
Clariant annually develops a Procurement Sustainability Roadmap based on insights, learnings, and feedback gathered in previous years. The roadmap defines focus areas, strategies, and indicators and is deployed across the entire organization and spend. The procurement sustainability program is discussed and aligned with Sustainability Transformation.
Supplier Code of Conduct
The policy cornerstone of Clariant’s sustainable procurement approach, the Supplier Code of Conduct, is based on the UN Global Compact and Responsible Care® principles. It was rolled out in 2014 across the entire supply base of more than 22 000 suppliers through written communication and via face-to-face meetings with top suppliers in each region. It is also incorporated into the General Terms and Conditions of Purchase included in every purchase order issued by the procurement organizations.
Clariant expects its suppliers to abide by this Supplier Code of Conduct and make every effort to keep the environmental impact and negative social effects arising from business activities at a minimum. If the Code of Conduct is not embraced by business partners, Clariant retains the right to end business relationships.
Read more: Corporate Website, Sustainable Supply Chains
Supplier Sustainability Assessments and Audits
Since 2014, Clariant has been a member of the »Together for Sustainability (TfS)« initiative. The TfS supplier sustainability assessment covers both materials and services and is based on standard state-of-the-art methodologies and an approach jointly developed by the procurement leadership and organizations of large chemical companies. It is managed through leading external global service providers specialized in sustainability: EcoVadis for online assessments; and DSQ Group, ERM, Intertek, and SGS for on-site audits.
The approach developed and implemented by TfS leverages synergies among the participants and delivers an independent, standardized, and quantitative evaluation of suppliers’ sustainability performance and risk profiles. The outsourcing to third-party service providers guarantees process robustness, independence, confidentiality, and conformity with antitrust and competition law. Clariant prioritizes the assessment and audit of suppliers according to country and business risks, global category priorities, and purchase volumes.
Read more: Integrated Report, Sustainability Performance in the Supply Chain
Responsible Mica Initiative
In 2019, Clariant became a full member of the Responsible Mica Initiative, which aims to eradicate child labor and unacceptable working conditions in the Indian mica supply chain. However, with the divestment of the Business Unit Masterbatches – the one involved in the Mica supply chain – completed in July 2020, Clariant will cease to be a member of and to report on the Responsible Mica Initiative.
103-3 Evaluation of the management approach and measurement
Evaluation and outcome
Clariant’s yearly Procurement Sustainability Roadmap draws from insights and feedback gathered through external evaluations (such as the DJSI SAM Company Sustainability Benchmark Report and EcoVadis Scorecard), industry benchmarks with TfS and best-in-class companies within and outside the chemical industry, and conference participation. Thus, breadth and depth of the roadmap are continuously enhanced. The KPIs described under »Goals and Targets« above are tracked monthly in the management committee meeting.
In 2019, Clariant was honored by two organizations: EcoVadis granted the company the Sustainable Procurement Leadership Award for »Best Internal Stakeholder Engagement«; and risk methods, a company assessing supplier risks, awarded Clariant with the »TOP Sustainable Supply Chain Program.« The awards recognize excellence in sustainable procurement practices and distinguish Clariant as a best-in-class example, driving internal engagement to roll out a global sustainable procurement program.
»Together for Sustainability (TfS)«
Through the »Together for Sustainability (TfS)« initiative, Clariant has online access to a large number of assessment scorecards and audit reports generated by external service providers on behalf of all TfS members. In addition to an overall score, the assessment scorecards contain an individual score for the critical categories of environment, labor and human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement. Furthermore, and most importantly, assessment scorecards and audit reports provide detailed feedback on specific improvement areas and guidance on where and how to address the identified gaps. This comprehensive approach and outcome give Clariant the basis to engage with its suppliers and agree on ad hoc corrective action plans in order to mitigate sustainability risks and improve sustainability performance in its supply chain.
This enables Clariant to monitor, measure, and improve supplier sustainability performance, identify improvement opportunities against principles laid out in the Supplier Code of Conduct, and embed sustainability as an integral part of supplier selection and management.
GRI 204:2016 Procurement Practices
204-1 Proportion of spending on local suppliers
2016 |
2017 |
2018 |
2019 |
2020 |
Percentage of the procurement budget that is used for significant locations of operation and spent on suppliers local to that operation |
85.7% |
87.4% |
88.3% |
88.0% |
87.6%1 |
2016 |
2017 |
2018 |
2019 |
2020 |
RM Procurement by region (in CHF m) |
2 221 |
2 674 |
2 948 |
2 642 |
2 027 |
Of which with local suppliers (in CHF m) |
1 904 |
2 337 |
2 603 |
2 330 |
1 777 |
Number of suppliers1 |
5 222 |
6 991 |
6 434 |
6 300 |
6 020 |
Asia-Pacific (in CHF m) |
510 |
627 |
672 |
597 |
426 |
Of which with local suppliers (in CHF m) |
479 |
591 |
641 |
564 |
405 |
Number of suppliers1 |
1 754 |
2 800 |
2 527 |
2 422 |
2 296 |
Europe (in CHF m) |
1 088 |
1 237 |
1 340 |
1 232 |
1 017 |
Of which with local suppliers (in CHF m) |
959 |
1 122 |
1 228 |
1 117 |
909 |
Number of suppliers1 |
1 174 |
1 690 |
1 514 |
1 416 |
1 374 |
Latin America (in CHF m) |
276 |
307 |
320 |
262 |
207 |
Of which with local suppliers (in CHF m) |
198 |
209 |
213 |
176 |
140 |
Number of suppliers1 |
802 |
1 092 |
1 085 |
1 088 |
1 065 |
Middle East & Africa (in CHF m) |
91 |
109 |
106 |
99 |
67 |
Of which with local suppliers (in CHF m) |
47 |
56 |
57 |
55 |
37 |
Number of suppliers1 |
247 |
407 |
378 |
395 |
358 |
North America (in CHF m) |
255 |
395 |
510 |
453 |
311 |
Of which with local suppliers (in CHF m) |
221 |
359 |
464 |
419 |
285 |
Number of suppliers1 |
445 |
1 002 |
930 |
979 |
927 |
Clariant’s procurement preferentially sources goods and services from within the region in which its respective operations and manufacturing plants are located, if qualitatively compatible, technically feasible, and economically viable. This approach supports the economic development of the regions in which Clariant operates. This is particularly relevant for and encouraged in key emerging markets such as Brazil, China, and India. Clariant defines local suppliers as suppliers that are based in the same country or region where the materials and/or services are used.
GRI 308:2016 Supplier Environmental Assessment
308-1 New suppliers that were screened using environmental criteria
2016 |
2017 |
2018 |
2019 |
2020 |
Percentage of suppliers assessed via EcoVadis |
63% |
65% |
74% |
78% |
84% |
Clariant selects and manages its suppliers, outsourcing partners, and service providers based on a comprehensive set of criteria. In addition to economic and product-specific performance aspects, the selection of suppliers is also explicitly based on nonfinancial and sustainability considerations. Clariant’s sustainability standards are incorporated into its procurement strategies and activities, policies, and general guidelines (such as the Code of Conduct for Suppliers).
In 2020, TfS members initiated 1 148 new supplier assessments and 3 527 suppliers were reassessed, of which 57 % improved their score. A further 640 existing assessments were shared with TfS. All of these form the TfS pool of 10 069 actively managed supplier assessments.
By mapping supplier TfS assessment scorecards against Clariant’s supply base, Clariant reached a share of 84% (2019: 78%) of its yearly CHF 2 billion (2019: 2.6 billion) direct spend that is covered by TfS assessments.
308-2 Negative environmental impacts in the supply chain and actions taken
2016 |
2017 |
2018 |
2019 |
2020 |
Number of suppliers assessed for environmental impacts |
6 383 |
8 692 |
10 566 |
9 434 |
4 205 |
Number of suppliers identified as having actual and potential significant negative environmental impacts |
785 |
666 |
955 |
784 |
472 |
These numbers are based on the mapping of the suppliers from the EcoVadis platform to Clariant’s own spend database.
2017 |
2018 |
2019 |
2020 |
Percentage of suppliers identified as having actual and potential significant negative environmental impacts and with whom improvements were agreed upon as a result of assessment |
17% |
20% |
18% |
14% |
In 2017, Clariant began a program of Corrective Action Plans (CAPs) in order to reduce supplier sustainability risks. In 2020, 14% of the 472 suppliers identified as having actual and potential significant negative environmental impacts have been taken through the CAP program.
GRI 414:2016 Supplier Social Assessment
414-1 New suppliers that were screened using social criteria
For information regarding 414-1, please see disclosure 308-1: New suppliers that were screened using environmental criteria.
414-2 Negative social impacts in the supply chain and actions taken
2016 |
2017 |
2018 |
2019 |
2020 |
Number of suppliers assessed for social impacts |
6 383 |
8 692 |
10 566 |
9 434 |
4 205 |
Number of suppliers identified as having actual and potential significant negative social impacts |
737 |
598 |
1 205 |
1 060 |
342 |
These numbers are based on the mapping of the suppliers from the EcoVadis platform to Clariant’s own spend database.
2017 |
2018 |
2019 |
2020 |
Percentage of suppliers identified as having actual and potential significant negative social impacts and with whom improvements were agreed upon as a result of assessment |
19% |
26% |
16% |
14% |
In 2017, Clariant began a program of Corrective Action Plans (CAPs) in order to reduce supplier sustainability risks. In 2020, 14% of the 342 suppliers identified as having actual and potential significant negative social impacts have been taken through the CAP program.
For more information regarding 414-2, please see disclosure 308-2: Negative environmental impacts in the supply chain and actions taken.
Management body of joint stock companies; at Clariant the Executive Committee currently comprises four members. View entire glossary
Stakeholders are people or groups whose interests are linked in various ways with those of a company. They include shareholders, business partners, employees, neighbors, and the community. View entire glossary
Compliance is a key element of Corporate Governance. It refers to compliance with the law and directives as well as with voluntary codes within the company. View entire glossary
Compliance is a key element of Corporate Governance. It refers to compliance with the law and directives as well as with voluntary codes within the company. View entire glossary
Management body of joint stock companies; at Clariant the Executive Committee currently comprises four members. View entire glossary
Joint ventures are all activities in which Clariant is involved with another partner. The accounting method applied for joint ventures depends on the specific conditions of the participation. View entire glossary
Stakeholders are people or groups whose interests are linked in various ways with those of a company. They include shareholders, business partners, employees, neighbors, and the community. View entire glossary
The value chain describes the series of steps in the production process, from raw materials through the various intermediate stages to the finished end product. View entire glossary
These are plastic additives in the form of granules with dyestuffs or other additives used to dye or alter the properties of natural plastic. View entire glossary