Internal and External Stakeholder Engagement
Continuous dialog with key stakeholders allows Clariant to stay attuned to their needs and gain insight into changing market requirements, future trends, and global developments. This helps Clariant understand the value stakeholders are seeking and to respond quickly with corresponding solutions.
1. Appreciation lies at the core of Clariant’s stakeholder engagement
Clariant’s key stakeholders are its customers, employees, and shareholders, as well as the environment. Clariant shows its appreciation to all its stakeholders by fostering a culture of dialog and mutual respect, dedicating itself to sustainable, innovative technologies, and unflaggingly committing to transparency and integrity. Appreciating stakeholders’ needs and developing corresponding solutions that meet stringent standards and set new industry benchmarks lie at the core of Clariant’s holistic approach to value creation.
2. Gaining valuable insights for value creation from ongoing stakeholder engagement
Clariant constantly engages with its stakeholders in multiple ways to stay attuned to their needs, understand their concerns, and gain valuable insights for sustainable value creation. SEE FIGURE 001
001 EXAMPLES OF Stakeholder Engagement
Read more in Market to Customer and Relationship Capital
Read more in Leadership and Human Capital
Read more in Overview on Governance and Financial Capital
Read more in Customer to Cash and Planet
Read more in Customer to Cash and Relationship Capital
Read more in Relationship Capital
To understand customer needs and develop the respective solutions, Clariant focuses on building strong customer relationships. Besides daily interactions, Clariant engages with its customers in various forms, such as trade fairs, customer interviews, innovation workshops, and its biennial customer satisfaction survey. Read more in Market to Customer and Relationship Capital
Clariant is committed to creating a collaborative working environment that focuses on its core value of appreciation. As Clariant’s people are an invaluable competitive factor, the company engages with all its employees on all levels to realize the full potential of its diverse workforce. Read more in Leadership and Human Capital
As a publicly listed company, Clariant strives to maintain a broad shareholder base and reliable long-term-oriented anchor shareholders. The company emphasizes achieving above-average returns and transparently communicating its financial and nonfinancial performance, for example, through its annual Integrated Report and regular investor updates. Read more in Performance
Protecting the environment by providing safer and more sustainable solutions is one of Clariant’s top priorities. Clariant also minimizes the impacts of its operations on the environment and safeguards natural resources. Read more in Manufactured Capital and Planet
As suppliers are critically important to Clariant’s value creation and impact the company’s overall sustainability performance, Clariant continuously analyzes spend effectiveness, reduces procurement risks, and engages with its suppliers through performance assessment reviews, the Together for Sustainability initiative (TfS), and yearly procurement events, for example. Read more in Customer to Cash, Relationship Capital and Customer to Cash (cost saving and risk reduction)
Participating in relevant public policy developments is an important aspect of Clariant’s corporate responsibility. The engagement in trade associations and other platforms brings forward Clariant’s views and positions on various policy areas and supports strategic alignment across the industry. Read more in Relationship Capital Clariant recognizes the opportunity offered by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals to share a common framework of action and language when communicating with stakeholders about its sustainability performance. Read more in Sustainable Development Goals
3. Stakeholder views are an integral part of Clariant’s materiality assessment
Stakeholder perspectives are also an integral part of Clariant’s materiality assessment. A systematic process ensures that their views are thoroughly reflected when identifying the economic, social, and environmental topics that offer the highest value-creation potential for stakeholders and Clariant. The prioritization of the topics related to performance, people, and planet helps Clariant further develop its integrated management approach. Read more in Materiality Assessment
Stakeholders are people or groups whose interests are linked in various ways with those of a company. They include shareholders, business partners, employees, neighbors, and the community. View entire glossary