The GRI Report 2019 is integral to Clariant’s corporate reporting suite, providing comprehensive insights into Clariant’s sustainable value creation. For each material topic in the »Focus« and »Advance« categories — as presented in the materiality matrix — Clariant outlines a management approach according to the GRI Standards, as well as the corresponding, topic-specific GRI disclosures.1
Clariant Materiality Matrix
More in-depth information on Clariant’s holistic approach to financial and non-financial value creation can be found in the following reports:
Corporate Governance Report 2019
1 For the material topic »Corporate Governance,« the information is not presented in a management approach, as it is reported in detail in the online Corporate Governance Report. Information about the material topic »Value Chain Collaboration for Sustainability« is covered by several other topics. Therefore, no separate management approach is presented in this report.
The value chain describes the series of steps in the production process, from raw materials through the various intermediate stages to the finished end product. View entire glossary
Materiality Matrix
Value Chain Collaboration for Sustainability
Information about the material topic »Value Chain Collaboration for Sustainability« is covered by several other topics. Therefore, no separate management approach is presented in this report.
Sustainability Performance in the Supply chain
Policy and Stakeholder Relations
Product Stewardship / Sustainability Chemistry
Innovation and Technological Advances
Occupational Health, Safety, and Well-being
Environmental Protection and Resources
Talent Attraction and Development
More in-depth information on Clariant’s holistic approach to financial and non-financial value creation can be found in the following reports:
Corporate Governance Report 2019
1 For the material topic »Corporate Governance,« the information is not presented in a management approach, as it is reported in detail in the online Corporate Governance Report. Information about the material topic »Value Chain Collaboration for Sustainability« is covered by several other topics. Therefore, no separate management approach is presented in this report.