Reporting Structure
The headquarters of Clariant AG are located at Rothausstrasse 61 in Muttenz, Switzerland. Clariant AG’s business operations are conducted through its Group companies. Clariant AG is a holding company and directly or indirectly owns all Clariant Group companies worldwide. Clariant AG is a stock company under Swiss law with a very diverse shareholder structure. More details about the ownership and holding structure of Clariant AG can be found in Clariant’s 2016 Integrated Report, chapter Corporate Governance. Important key figures about the Clariant Group such as sales, profit, balance structure, employees, research expenditure, etc. can be found in Clariant’s Integrated Report.
The Clariant Group
Clariant is a globally leading specialty chemicals company offering sustainable and innovative solutions to customers in a wide variety of markets. Clariant’s research and development is directed toward the key trends of our time. Among these are energy efficiency, renewable raw materials, efficient mobility and the maintenance of resources. The business activities of Clariant are divided into four business areas.
The Clariant Group is active in a multitude of countries with production and operating facilities or representations. For a relevant overview, see Clariant’s 2016 Integrated Report note 36. Clariant markets and sells its products worldwide. In the past years, Clariant has increased the geographical diversification of its business and reached a significant sales growth in the emerging countries (also see the Clariant 2016 Integrated Report Objectives and Strategy). Essential changes in Clariant’s Group structure or Business Areas in the 2016 in the year under review are described in the Integrated Report (note 24 and note 26).
The Clariant online report covers all material indicators according to the GRI Guidelines. The topics/indicators we have identified as material to report on can be found in chapter Strategy and Materiality; all points listed therein will be considered either in the printed report and/or in the online report. Topics within the G4 profile that have little or no relevance to Clariant or its stakeholders are mentioned, but not discussed in detail. This Clariant Sustainability Report encompasses all Group companies and plants (provided Clariant owns more than half of the shares), as well as all relevant business and subject areas. An overview of the most important Clariant AG Group companies can be found in note 36 of the 2016 Clariant Integrated Report. No restrictions are made unless specifically identified. The representation of the sustainability areas and activities in this report cover all major issues for Clariant. There were no essential changes or corrections in 2016 compared to prior Clariant Sustainability Reports. This report was prepared with the utmost care following an in-depth evaluation. This is so that Clariant can present a balanced picture of its sustainability efforts.
The reporting period of this Sustainability Report comprises 1 January through 31 December 2016 and is therefore identical to the financial year of Clariant. Clariant’s Sustainability Report is currently published on an annual basis within the first four months following the reporting year. The last sustainability information published on Clariant in printed form was made available in March 2016 as part of the 2015 Sustainability Report.
Questions about this report should be addressed to:
Group Communications
Daniel Kaufmann Tel.+41 61 469 54 79
Investor Relations
Anja Pomrehn Tel.+41 61 469 67 45.
Inquiries via e-mail to
Orders for this report may be placed on the Clariant website: or sent in writing to the following address:
Clariant International AG
Investor Relations
Rothausstrasse 61
4132 Muttenz, Switzerland
An external assurance has been conducted for this Report by PricewaterhouseCoopers (see Independent Assurance Report).