General Standard Disclosures
Strategy and Analysis
G4 Standard Disclosures |
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Comment |
External Assurance |
G4-1 |
Foreword from the CEO |
G4-2 |
Key sustainability risks, opportunities and impacts |
Organizational Profile
G4 Standard Disclosures |
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External Assurance |
G4-3 |
Name of the organization |
G4-4 |
Primary brands, products and services |
G4-5 |
Location of the organization’s headquarters |
G4-6 |
Number of countries where the organization operates |
G4-7 |
Nature of ownership |
G4-8 |
Markets served |
G4-9 |
Scale of the organization |
Group Overview |
G4-10 |
Total workforce |
G4-11 |
Bargaining agreements |
G4-12 |
Organization’s supply chain |
G4-13 |
Significant changes during the reporting period |
G4-14 |
Implementation of precautionary principle |
G4-15 |
Support for external initiatives |
G4-16 |
Memberships in associations/interest groups |
Identified Material Aspects and Boundaries
G4 Standard Disclosures |
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Comment |
External Assurance |
G4-17 |
Entities included in the report |
G4-18 |
Definition of report content and boundaries |
G4-19 |
Material aspects |
G4-20 |
Material aspects and report boundaries within the organization |
G4-21 |
Material aspects and report boundaries outside the organization |
G4-22 |
Changes to the company compared to previous year |
G4-23 |
Significant changes in scope and aspect boundaries from previous reporting year |
Stakeholder Engagement
G4 Standard Disclosures |
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Comment |
External Assurance |
G4-24 |
Stakeholders engaged by the organization |
G4-25 |
Identification and selection of stakeholder groups |
G4-26 |
Engagement of stakeholder groups |
G4-27 |
Key topics raised through stakeholder engagement |
Report Profile
G4 Standard Disclosures |
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Comment |
External Assurance |
G4-28 |
Reporting period |
G4-29 |
Date of most recent previous report |
G4-30 |
Reporting cycle |
G4-31 |
Contact point for questions regarding the report |
G4-32 |
Reporting option chosen for the report |
G4-33 |
External assurance |
G4 Standard Disclosures |
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Comment |
External Assurance |
G4-34 |
Governance structure |
Integrated Report: Internal Organizational Structure |
G4-35 |
Process for delegating authority for economic, environmental and social topics |
Integrated Report: Internal Organizational Structure |
G4-36 |
Responsibility for economic, environmental and social topics |
G4-37 |
Processes for consultation between stakeholders and governance bodies |
G4-38 |
Composition of highest governance body |
G4-39 |
Function of highest governance body |
G4-40 |
Nomination and selection processes for highest governance body |
G4-41 |
Processes for the highest governance body to ensure avoidance of conflict of interests |
G4-42 |
Highest governance body’s role in development of organization’s strategies related to economic, environmental and social impacts |
G4-43 |
Highest governance body’s collective knowledge of economic environmental and social topics |
G4-44 |
Highest governance body’s performance with respect to economic, environmental and social topics |
G4-45 |
Highest governance body’s role in identification and management of economic, environmental, and social risks and opportunities |
G4-46 |
Highest governance body’s role in reviewing organization’s risk management for economic, environmental and social topics |
G4-47 |
Frequency of highest governance body’s review of economic, environmental and social impacts, risks and opportunities |
G4-48 |
Review and approval of organization’s sustainability report |
G4-49 |
Communication of critical concerns to the highest governance body |
G4-50 |
Critical concerns communicated to highest governance body |
G4-51 |
Remuneration policies for highest governance body |
G4-52 |
Process for determining remuneration |
G4-53 |
Consideration of stakeholder’s view regarding remuneration |
G4-54 |
Ratios of annual total compensation |
G4-55 |
Ratios of percentage increase in compensation |
Ethics and Integrity
G4 Standard Disclosures |
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Comment |
External Assurance |
G4-56 |
Organization’s values, principles, standard and norms |
G4-57 |
Internal and external mechanisms for seeking advice on ethical and lawful behavior |
G4-58 |
Internal and external mechanisms for reporting concerns about unethical or unlawful behavior |
Specific Standard Disclosures
Disclosures on Management Approach
G4 Standard Disclosures |
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Comment |
External Assurance |
G4-DMA |
Disclosures on Management Approach |
G4 Standard Disclosures |
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Comment |
External Assurance |
G4-EC1 |
Direct economic value generated and distributed |
G4-EC2 |
Risks and opportunities due to climate change |
G4-EC3 |
Benefit plan obligations |
G4-EC4 |
Financial assistance received from government |
G4-EC5 |
Ratios of entry level wages |
G4-EC6 |
Senior management hired from local community |
G4-EC7 |
Infrastructure investments and services supported |
G4-EC8 |
Indirect economic impacts |
G4-EC9 |
Spending on local suppliers |
G4 Standard Disclosures |
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Comment |
External Assurance |
G4-EN1 |
Materials used |
G4-EN2 |
Materials recycled |
G4-EN3 |
Energy consumption inside the organization |
G4-EN4 |
Energy consumption outside the organization |
G4-EN5 |
Energy intensity |
G4-EN6 |
Reduction of energy consumption |
G4-EN7 |
Reductions in energy requirements of products and services |
G4-EN8 |
Total water withdrawal |
G4-EN9 |
Water sources significantly affected by withdrawal of water |
G4-EN10 |
Percentage and total volume of water recycled and reused |
G4-EN11 |
Properties in protected areas or abutting protected areas |
G4-EN12 |
Significant impacts on biodiversity in protected areas |
G4-EN13 |
Habitats protected and restored |
G4-EN14 |
Number of red list species impacted |
G4-EN15 |
Direct greenhouse gas emissions |
G4-EN16 |
Indirect greenhouse gas emissions (energy) |
G4-EN17 |
Other indirect greenhouse gas emissions |
G4-EN18 |
Greenhouse gas emissions intensity |
G4-EN19 |
Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions |
G4-EN20 |
Emissions of ozone-depleting substances |
n.a. |
G4-EN21 |
NOx, SOx and other significant air emissions |
G4-EN22 |
Total water discharge |
G4-EN23 |
Total weight of waste |
G4-EN24 |
Total number and volume of significant spills |
G4-EN25 |
Hazardous waste |
G4-EN26 |
Waste water and biodiversity |
G4-EN27 |
Environmental impact mitigation of products and services |
G4-EN28 |
Packaging material |
G4-EN29 |
Significant fines and non-monetary sanctions for non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations |
G4-EN30 |
Environmental impacts of transporting products |
G4-EN31 |
Environmental protection expenditures and investments by type |
G4-EN32 |
New suppliers screened using environmental criteria |
G4-EN33 |
Environmental impacts in the supply chain |
G4-EN34 |
Grievances about environmental impacts |
Labor Practices and Decent Work
G4 Standard Disclosures |
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Comment |
External Assurance |
G4-LA1 |
New employees hired and turnover rate |
G4-LA2 |
Employee benefits |
G4-LA3 |
Return to work after parental leave |
G4-LA4 |
Notice periods regarding significant changes |
G4-LA5 |
Employees represented in health and safety committees |
G4-LA6 |
Rates of injury, occupational diseases, lost days, and work-related fatalities |
G4-LA7 |
Risk control and programs regarding serious diseases |
G4-LA8 |
Health and safety topics covered in formal agreements |
G4-LA9 |
Hours of training |
G4-LA10 |
Skills management |
G4-LA11 |
Performance review and employee development |
G4-LA12 |
Composition of governance bodies and breakdown of employees |
Integrated Report: At a glance |
G4-LA13 |
Ratio of base wages for women and men |
G4-LA14 |
New suppliers screened using labor practices criteria |
G4-LA15 |
Significant impacts for labor practices in the supply chain |
G4-LA16 |
Grievances about labor practices |
Human Rights
G4 Standard Disclosures |
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Comment |
External Assurance |
G4-HR1 |
Investment agreements that include human rights clauses/have undergone human rights screening |
G4-HR2 |
Training on human rights relevant to operations |
G4-HR3 |
Number of incidents of discrimination and actions taken |
G4-HR4 |
Risk to right to exercise freedom of association and collective bargaining |
G4-HR5 |
Risk of incidents of child labor |
G4-HR6 |
Risk of incidents of forced or compulsory labor |
G4-HR7 |
Security personnel trained |
n.a. |
G4-HR8 |
Number of incidents where the rights of indigenous people were violated |
G4-HR9 |
Operations subject to human rights reviews |
G4-HR10 |
New suppliers screened using human rights criteria |
G4-HR11 |
Significant human rights impacts in the supply chain |
G4-HR12 |
Grievances about human rights |
G4 Standard Disclosures |
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Comment |
External Assurance |
G4-SO1 |
Programs and practices regarding the impacts of operations on communities |
G4-SO2 |
Impact of operations on local communities |
G4-SO3 |
Operations assessed for risks related to corruption and risks identified |
G4-SO4 |
Employee training in anti-corruption policies and procedures |
G4-SO5 |
Actions taken in response to incidents of corruption |
G4-SO6 |
Political contributions |
G4-SO7 |
Legal actions for anti-competitive behavior |
G4-SO8 |
Monetary value of significant fines |
G4-SO9 |
New suppliers screened using criteria for impacts on society |
G4-SO10 |
Impacts on society in the supply chain |
G4-SO11 |
Grievances about impacts on society |
Product Responsibility
G4 Standard Disclosures |
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Comment |
External Assurance |
G4-PR1 |
Impacts of products |
G4-PR2 |
Non-compliance with regulation concerning health and safety impacts of products |
G4-PR3 |
Information on products and services |
G4-PR4 |
Violations of regulations concerning product labeling |
G4-PR5 |
Surveys of customer satisfaction |
G4-PR6 |
Sale of banned or disputed products |
G4-PR7 |
Non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes concerning marketing communications |
G4-PR8 |
Complaints regarding breaches of customer privacy |
G4-PR9 |
Monetary value of significant fines for noncompliance with laws and regulations concerning the provision and use of product and services |