Clariant places great emphasis on upholding human rights within its sphere of influence. A number of internal regulations as well as Clariant’s voluntary commitments in accordance with international charters are designed to safeguard these rights. In 2015, Clariant issued a new group wide Policy Statement on Human Rights, confirming the commitment to the principles within the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the ILO 1998 Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, complementing the company’s membership in the UN Global Compact. In alignment with its Group Policy Statement on Human Rights, Clariant has laid down its commitment to global workplace rights and social responsibility in a suitable workplace directive (Clariant Employment Standards Guideline). Clariant ensures appropriate employee grievance mechanisms providing options to ask questions and raise concerns or complaints, including discrimination and human rights infringements. Indications of infringements are systematically followed and right and appropriate corrective are taken.
To implement these commitments, we assess, monitor and manage our human rights impacts, both in our own operations and in our supply chains and work to make sure that we do not contribute, knowingly or unknowingly, to any adverse human rights impacts. In doing so, we rely upon our strong management and monitoring systems that enable us to detect and effectively mitigate potential human rights risks. In 2016, we carried out a comprehensive human rights impact and due diligence assessment with the help of external human rights experts to optimize our approach to managing our human rights impacts.
For details see the Human Rights Due Diligence section
We have established our Integrity Line to enable people to bring to our attention any concerns they may have. The »Clariant Integrity Line« is a channel through which all violations against the Code of Conduct can be reported, including discrimination or violations of human rights.