Audited information

Treasury shares (number of shares)





Shares held as per 1 January


12 087 920


13 204 851

Shares purchased at fair market value


1 016 761


1 200 000

Shares sold to counterparty out of options (management options 2010)


–2 077 650


Shares sold at fair market value


–1 016 741


–1 580 456

Shares transferred to employees


–814 480


–736 475

Shares held at 31 December


9 195 810


12 087 920

Each registered share has a par value of CHF 3.70 (2014: CHF 3.70).

The average price of shares bought in 2015 was CHF 20.69 (2014: CHF 17.27).

The average price of shares sold in 2015 was CHF 17.19 (2014: CHF 17.04).

The profit or loss from the sale of own shares is recorded in the income statement as other income or other expenses.